Chapter the Eighth: Ruby

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The town is in a sad quiet state. People rarely talk to each other on the streets anymore. Our town square, which used to be loud and bustling, only has a trickle of people running through it now. People shut their curtains and close their doors to friends and enemies alike. And worst of all, people mutter, "Where are the Guardians now that we need them?"

The mayor was the first victim of the virus that has come to our town, but others quickly followed. Our priest. Shop owners. Everyone that's been outside a lot. And no one can find a cure.

Cars sit on the street unused, and you actually see people riding horses around a lot now. It's really weird, it's like people trust horses more than they trust cars.

I keep thinking of Opal. She's a guardian, shouldn't she be here, trying to fix this? Where was she and her friends? Had they already abandoned me for their fancy school?

Instantly, I feel bad for thinking this. It's, like, her third day at the place. She probably doesn't know one thing yet! How would she even know how to do this magic stuff? I'm expecting too much from her.

The door slams as dad comes through the door from work. I jump off the couch and head to him, my heart beating nervously. Every day, he brings more bad news. The mayors assistants have caught the virus. The mayor has gotten worse. Et cetera, et cetera.

Today, dad looks absolutely exhausted. He collapses against the wall right next to the door and wipes his brow.

"Daddy?" I ask. "What's wrong?"

He looks at me sadly. "My little girl." he comments, sweat dripping down his face.

"Daddy, please tell me, what's wrong?" I ask, panic rising.

He suddenly pushes himself up, off the wall, and raises his arms to push me away. "No, no, Ruby, get away! Please, Ruby, get out, go find your mother, go!"

Mom steps out from behind me and walks toward dad. "Ben, what's wrong?" she asks, her brow furrowed.

"I...." Dad gasps and clutches a hand to his mouth. "I....I have to leave,"

"Ben?" mom hurries forwards, but dad holds out his hand to stop her from coming any closer.

"Sally, please, get back. No, I have to go. I have to leave, please, no,"

My voice is caught in my throat. This....this can't be happening. I know what it is, but I don't want it to be true.

"Sally. Get back! Please, it's for your own safety. Please, no. I'm going to move out,"

"Ben! Ben, no, please, no!" mom cries, backing away slowly. Tears stream down her face.

"Sally, I'm sorry. I'm gonna go now. I'm gonna go live with the mayor....until I'm better," an unspoken meaning goes with this. He's also saying, "If I get better,"

He slowly gropes for the door handle like a blind man. Pulling it open, he steps out of the house, his bag swinging on his shoulder, a limp in his step.

And he doesn't look back. 

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