Chapter the Eighteenth: Opal

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My life settles into a normal routine, more or less. Of course, there's nothing normal about this school. You can turn a corner and find a miniature bazaar in the school hallways, or find a small swamp spreading across your classroom. On my second day here I found a waterfall cascading down the stairs I needed to go up (that was one of the more major inconveniences--for everyone, not just me).

I know how to get to all my classes now and I know several of my classmates well-I've even made friends with a few of them, like Jemma. But Kaitlynn and Bella are still my favorite.

My special training is going well, if you can call it special training. Mostly my teacher (who's name is Mitali) and I are just sort of....plotting. We do train my magic, but I think that we both want to get back her sister what she'd done to us.

One day, the two of us are sitting on the ground of the highest tower, poring over a map with names pasted over it, when Kaitlynn barges in.

I jump and urge the map to roll closed which it does with a snapping sound.

"What are you guys doing here?" asks Kaitlynn. "Aren't you supposed to do training?"

"We are! Opal has gotten very far in training already," says Mitali.

My eyes widen and I turn to see Kaitlynn's expression.

"Opal?" she asks. "Who's that?"

"I, uh, nothing! Opal? Who's Opal?" I cry quickly, stuffing the map in the chest at the far end of the tower. Apparently I'm not very convincing, because Kaitlynn's eyebrows are raised as high as they possibly can be.

"Ruby. Tell me, who is Opal?" she asks, walking slowly towards me. She looks angry.

Mitali steps in between us, pushing Kaitlynn back gently. "Why were you sent up here to us?" she asks.

"It's Friday, and the bell already rang. It's time for the games," Kaitlynn explains, still looking very confused about my identity.

"Well then, you two run along. I'm sorry I kept Ruby past the bell,"

The two of us head out into the hallway. Kaitlynn barely looks at me as I follow her down the stairs. I'm afraid she's angry at me.

"Ruby, the games are really fun!" she says as she reaches the bottom.

I look at her confused. She was just angry at me and wanting to know who in the world Opal is, and now she's dismissed it without a second thought.

Slowly, I push myself into her mind. She doesn't feel a thing as we continue down the hallway, but I've found what I was looking for. Unsurprisingly, Mitali has manipulated her into thinking that nothing happened back there.

"Ruby? Are you okay? Are you doing that brain manipulation thing to me? Please stop," Kaitlynn says, turning to look at me from the hallway ahead.

"Oh. Sorry. Anyway," I run to catch up with her. "You were saying?"

"Well, the games are really fun. It's things like capture the flag and stuff like that except you can use your powers as long as you don't hurt anyone,"

I nod. "That sounds fun." I say. But my mind is far away. 

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