Epilogue: Bella

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Flying above the clouds is peaceful.

I've never flown before, but I was correct before, when I was talking to Kaitlynn. Riding a dragon is like riding a horse. It doesn't even feel all that scaley.

The sun begins to set, turning the clouds all kinds of colors. It's absolutely beautiful, but I know I won't be able to see for long.

I dip below the clouds, searching for the occasional islands that stick out of the ocean. I've left the town far behind now, and I don't know if I would be able to find it if I tried.

There's no islands below me and I begin to despair. If I don't find an island by night time I won't be able to see and my dragon could collapse from exhaustion.

I move up above the clouds again, trying to savor the last of the daylight and catch some of the moon's dim glow. I find that flying through the clouds is the easiest--it feels nice and moist, too.

Blanq, my dragon, actually seems fine about flying through the night. Her wings keep flapping and she doesn't seem tired at all. In fact, she seems to enjoy the long flight.

All I hear is the whooshing of the air that flies past us. I lie my head on Blanq's strong shoulder and begin to fall asleep.

I'm awoken by a strange sound--a kind of 'twang' that vibrates through the air. Blanq shudders beneath me and begins to list to the right a little.

"Blanq?" I pet her head. "What's wrong?"

A figure appears from out of the mist ahead. All I can see is a long braid, a cloak, and the fact that they seem to be flying without anything holding them up. They lift a bow and arrow and shoot.

It hits Blanq and she tilts even more, dumping me off, into the open sky.

"Blanq! BLANQ!" I cry, waving my arms overhead, hoping the dragon comes to catch me.

I see her falling past me, faster. She's wounded by this person's arrows.

The last thing I see is the dragon, far below me, before everything goes black. 

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