Chapter the Twenty-first: Opal

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It's midnight when we slip outside.

Bella is nervous, glancing around every few seconds as we follow her to the town.

It takes us a while to get out of the school. The doors are guarded to make sure someone doesn't do exactly what we're trying to do, so we have to get out through a window in the bathroom on the ground floor.

The town is surprisingly busy, even at night. It's a good thing black hooded cloaks are common here, too, because they hide our faces well.

The stables are on the far left of the town and it takes us a while to get over there because the school is right in the center. We have several run-ins with guards who seem to be patrolling much more frequently now that there's the threat of the sun elves.

Most of the dragons in the stables are sleeping, but a few are awake. They stare at us with curious eyes as we enter the stable yard, heading towards them.

Bella heads towards the one on the far left. It's slightly different--it's eyes are an icey blue color. They're piercing, but beautiful all the same.

The plaque on the front of the door of this dragon's stall says that it's name is Blanq.

"Hello, Blanq," says Bella, petting the dragon's neck softly.

" should really get going. We have no idea when the Sun elves are going to be here. You need to be out of their sight before they even get close,"

Bella nods as she pets the dragon's neck softly. Slowly she opens the door to the stall and sidles in, standing right next to the dragon.

It whinnies softly as she attaches reins to it. Then she leads it out the stall door.

"Do you know how to ride a dragon?" asks Kaitlynn, looking very nervous about this ordeal.

"We used to ride horses where I grew up in Kitney. It can't be that different. Except maybe a little scalier." Bella explains.

I barely register the fact that I, too, used to ride horses in Kitney.

She swings her legs up and over the dragon and it turns to look at her. She pets its head softly.

Kaitlynn reaches up to touch Bella's arm. "Bella....stay safe. We'll see you as soon as we can. We'll find you, I promise,"

She smiles. "I hope so. But I really have to go now. I'll see you...."

She stops. None of us know when she'll see you.

With the reins clutched tightly in her hands she urged the dragon off the ground. It rises into the night, Bella's hair, free from it's ponytail, flying out behind her.

The two of us wave goodbye sadly, and Kaitlynn collapses in tears.

Bella is gone. One of my best friends.


How good is this school, really?

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