Chapter 2

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**Jessica's p.o.v**

The plane FINALLY landed in england. I jumped off the plane. I smiled to myself and inhaled the sent. 

"Let's go." Niall said.

"Carry me." I said extending my arms. He picked me up and walked me through the airport. I didn't get much sleep, so I fell asleep in his arms.

"Wake up love." I herd Niall. I moand and shifted in his arms. "We're at the house."

"Carry me in." I said. I was carried in." Now to my room." I demanded. He took me in a room and laid me in the bed. I smiled. I looked around to see the room pink. There was a dressier and a bed. That's it. My bag was in the corner of the room. Niall had walked out. I pushed myself up and grabbed my bag. I took my journal out.

August 24th, 2012. 8:25 pm.

Well I keep getting more and more flashbacks from when my dad abused me. I think my new 'family' is noticing. Like really I didn't want to be put in a house with 5 stupid boys. I only like one, Niall, only because he is so sweet. I just want to go back to the orphanage or live on a street. Anything but this. Whenever I come to a family I get my flashbacks. I have many of my dad saying I'm a slut and I'm worthless, and that no one will love me. What did I ever do to him? Did I make him mad at me? What did I do to make him hate me? I saw him the day I was being adopted. I ran to the park and he almost hurt me. I was in a hotel with the idoits when I was told we were going to England! I didn't want to go, but now I'm in England in my room. I don't like it. My room is pink with a dresser and bed. I think I'm going to get paint and paint things on my wall. I love painting for a odd reason. You know I should name you, so I feel much better giving you my secrets. How about...Chester? Yes, I shall name you Chester. What a lovely name chester. So Chester I miss the orphanage, I turly do. Some of the younger kids looked up to me I feel bad for leaving them and moving far away from them. Should I feel this way? Should I be glad?

I put Chester in my bag and jumped on my bed laughing that I called him Chester. I pulled out my phone Liam had given me yesterday. I made a twitter. I put my name as @JessTommo since Louis was my legal gaurdian. I put a picture of me on the icon. I followed all the boys and they followed back instantly. Louis tweeted me. 'Get your lazy booty out of your room @JessTommo I demand you women' I replied, 'I am not no women! Am I really that old?? @Louis_Tomlinson Oh what if I'm old then you must be my grandfather!' 

"I AM NOT YOUR GRANDFATHER WOMEN!" I hear him yell high pitched.

*Twitter convo*

'Dang. Have you gone through puberty yet? @Louis_Tomlinson'

'I'm 21 so I have. @JessTommo'

'Sure about that? I swear I thought you were a girl for a second there! @Louis_Tomlinson'

'RUDE! @JessTommo'

'Will you make me a sandwich? I'm kinda hungry. @Louis_Tomlinson'

'Ham good? @JessTommo'

'Delicious. @Louis_Tomlinson'

'Ok. I'll bring it in your room in 5. Love you. @JessTommo'

'Love you too. @Louis_Tomlinson'

*Back to the real world*

I say my phone on my bed next to me. I started laughing. I just made him make me a sandwhich. A few minutes passed and Louis walked in with a sandwhich.

"Thanks Louis." I said taking a bite out of it.

"No problem. Just tell me if you want anything else." He said and walked out. I ate half of the sandwich.

I grabbed my phone and got on twitter. I tweeted. 'Personal slave. I'm done and full. Thank you for the wonderful sandwich. @Louis_Tomlinson.' Louis came in a couple seconds later and took my plate.

"You're welcome." He said and walked out. I was looking through my mentions nothing fun being said. I tweeted again. 'Niallllllllllll. I'm bored! @NiallOfficial'

'I'm sorry love. Come out of your room and talk then. @JessTommo' I got up and walked downstairs and saw they were watching the ringer. I sat my phone down and hit record. I ran to my room and put on a white dress. I found a black wig in someones room and fake blood. I put the wig on and put some hair in my face. I put fake blood all over me. I walked down the stairs and the all were on the couch scared. The part came on where is said you're gonna die in seven days. I put my hand on Niall and Zayn's shoulder. Everyone screamed and ran. I held back laughter. I walked to Louis. He was in a corner stupid Louis I walked over to him and let out a weird dementic scream. Fear flashed over his face. I fell and held my stomach laughing really hard. They all came to me and took the wig off. 

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SAW YOUR FACES!" I yelled laughing. They all shook there head.

"You scared the living shit out of us." Louis said.

"I recored it all." I said.

"What?" Liam said. I grabbed my phone and shut the camera off. I tweeted the video 'OMG! So funny. Got @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial @zaynmalik @Harry_Styles @Real_Liam_Payne' Their phones beeped they looked at me angry. My phone made 5 beeps. Niall: '@JessTommo This is war!' Louis: '@JessTommo gotta be honest that was genious!' Liam: '@JessTommo You scared me to death.' Zayn: 'You are a smart girl. @JessTommo.' Harry: 'You'll pay. @JessTommo' I giggled and sat on the couch. 

"We have to be up at 8:00 to go to the studio." Liam said.

"Ok." I said. "I'm bored."

"Let's do a twitcam." Liam said. Everyone walked out of the room except me and Liam. He sat down next to me and got the Twitcam started. "Hi everyone! Jessica is with me!" He said and turned the thing so it was on both of us." I smiled.

"Hi." I said. I sneezed really loud. "Fuck! That hurt." I said.

"Watch your language." He said.

"No!" I said and stuck out my tounge. "Wait hand me the laptop." I said laughing He handed me the laptop. I opened another tab. I typed on youtube. A song started. It was A Thousand Miles. I didn't I little dancing. The side was filled with things about white chicks. I laughed. Liam got up and started dancing.

"Set that laptop down and...DANCE!" He yelled the last part. I sat the laptop down facing us. Me and Liam started dancing around in the living room. We were jumping up and down. Niall soon joined us. He picked me up and spun me around. I started laughing. We all sat on the couch again. I was in the middle holding the laptop. I started humming randomly to Beautiful Soul by Jessie McCartney. No matter how old that song gets I will love it! I started singing out really loud. 

"I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul"

I laughed at my weirdness. Liam and Niall looked at me.

"That was good." They said in unison.

"Thanks." I said.

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