Chapter 3

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*Jessica's p.o.v*

-Next morning-

I woke up and looked at the time, 9:34 am. I got up and took a quick shower. I put on a white t-shirt, a blue adidas hoodie, I put on skinny jeans, and converse. I did a side braid with my hair and went down stairs.

"Good morning." I said to Liam, because no one else was in here. I looke at the time 10:40. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Their rooms." He said. I looked up at him and smiled. He gave me a smile back. "Hungry?" He questioned.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. I walked into the lounge and turned on the tv. I put in the movie mean girls. I could watch this movie everyday. It's so qoutable. I guess I was laughing loudly, because all the boys came from their rooms. "Good morning." I said with a big smile.

"Good morning." They said. I smiled and turned back to the movie. They ploped on to the couch by me. I sat in between Niall and Harry. I laid my head on Niall's shoulder. I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back oddly. I started giggling. Niall just shook his head and watched the movie. I laid my head on Niall's lap and feet on Harry. I ended up falling asleep, because I woke up getting thrown in the pool. I can't swim for my life. Plus my shoe lace got stuck on something. I did my best to make it down to the bottom to get my shoe lace un stuck. I finally got it un stuck. But I couldn't swim to the top. I herd a splash and I was pulled up to the top. I was breathing funny. I couldn't catch my breathe.

"Who knows CPR?" Someone said.

"I do!" someone yelled. Once he did the shit I caught my breathe. I looked up to see it was Niall who did it. I got up and I was handed a towel I took and went in the house and in my room. I changed into sweats. I dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I jumped onto my bed. I crawled under my covers and cried softly. Why did they do that to me? Are they stupid? I herd my door open. I saw it was Niall. He laid on the bed next to me. I cuddled up next to him. He rubbed my back gently.

"Why did you guys do that?" I asked.

"We didn't know anything bad would happen. I'm so sorry love." He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"It's fine." I said and smiled. He hugged me and got up. I got up to and wrapped my arms around him and pulled away. We both walked out of my room. Louis ran up to me. I flinched as he hugged me. He pulled away.

"I'm sorry Jessica. We didn't mean to do that to you. We love you." He said.

"It's ok." I said. I was still scared of him. I turned around and saw Zayn standing over me. I backed away from him slowly. I was really scared of him. "Don't move." I said. I ran out of the room. I knocked into someone and fell. I saw who it was Harry. Zayn was behind me.


Rick and john, the owners sons, stood in front and behind me. I came home late to the orphanage and they had one condition to not tell any one that I was late. They threw me on the bed. I started crying. They put duct tape over my mouth and they took off all my clothes and theirs. They started raping me. The condition they always choose for me.

*End of flashback*

I was bawling my eyes, my knees were pulled to my chest. I was lifted of the ground. I saw it was Niall. I cried in his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"You can tell me." He said.

"How Harry and Zayn stood over me just reminded me of a bad memory." I explained. I cried harder into his shoulder. He rubbed my back.

"It's ok. I won't let anything happen to you. You're too important to let anything happen to you. You truly are important to us." he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Niall. You are important too. I love you buddy." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. He smiled at me.

"Want to go to Nandos? I'm hungry." He said. I nodded my head. I put on my shoes and we walked out the door. I hopped into the range rover. We drove to Nandos. once we got there we ran into Nandos, because Niall was suppivly dying of hunger. We order and got our food. Of course I ate very little. "That's all your eating?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok let's go then." We walked out and went home. Once we got to the house it was getting late. I laid down on the couch. I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Look it's a slut that is worthless." Dad said hitting me. I started crying. 

"Daddy why are you doing this to me?" I asked my father.

"You're a worthless piece of trash." He yelled and threw me into the wall. He punched and kicked me.

I woke up screaming and crying. I saw all the boys standing over me.

"Niall, I'm scared." I said. He picked me up and took me to my room. We laid in bed and he looked at me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Niall asked playing with a strand of hair. I really am falling for this boy. I looked to Niall and shook my head no.

"Niall." I said quietly.


"I-I think I love you." I said quietly. He smiled at me and kissed me gently. He pulled away. I smiled as I felt the sparks. "Now I know I love you."

"I love you too." He said. He cupped my face and kissed me again. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around him. "let's go to bed now." He said. I laid my head on his bare chest. He played with my hair until I fell asleep. 

I woke up and looked up to see Niall staring at me.

"Good morning princess." He said and kissed me.

"Good morning." I said. I walked in my closet and grabbed a white long sleeve shirt with a heart on it, skinny jeans, and converse. I walked out and changed really quick. I threw my hair into a messy bun. I smiled and turned around and kissed Niall on the cheek. He got up and went into his room. I walked into the kitchen, I jumped onto the counter and sat down. I sighed a happy sigh. Niall came down in sweats. He pecked my lips and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. I herd someone clear their throats. I saw Harry and Louis. "Morning." I said.

"What's happening hear?" They asked.

"I'm hugging my wonderful girlfriend." Niall said. I blushed and hid my face. I unhid it and looked up.

"Congrats." Harry said and walked off.

"I hope you know Harry likes you. You broke him I bet." Louis said. 


How do you like it?? I love it. :) LOL. I'm so weird. I like my own things. Is that a good or bad thing? Well I won't update tomorrow, because I have to go to school orentation shit. Might not be on for the rest of the day. Sorry. Well .Thanks for reading. :)




-Kylie :)

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