Chapter 9

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A?N: Want to say a quick thing. Most of the events in this story actually happened in my life today with the school things. :)

*Jessica's p.o.v*

I someone was shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and saw Louis. He smiled at me and pulled me up.

"School time sweet heart." Louis said. I nodded and took a quick shower. I dried my hair, but left it damp. I threw on my cool story bro shirt that looked like the toy story logo, because it was cold and skinny jeans. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I walked into my bathroom and put on some cover up. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs. I ate really quick and me and Louis, Louis and I walked out and into the car. While we were driving I blasted the radio to wake me more. Once we got to school I got out and walked in the school and put my things in my locker, grabbing my books. I walked to class and sat in my seat in between Alexa and Cooper. The French teacher started playing the song by Mika called Elle Me Dit. [A/N; My french teacher really plays this in class look it up on youtube. I love it.] I knew this song so well, so i stood up and started doing this awkward dancing oddly and started belting the lyrics to the song.

"Elle me dit "écris une chanson contente,
pas une chanson déprimante,
une chanson que tout le monde aime"."

The teacher stared at me as I jumped around singing. Once the song ended she looked at me.

"Office." She said. I sighed and grabbed my things and walked to the office. i sat in the chair bored. The boys walked in and looked at me. I couldn't help, but laugh to myself. The principal walked out with the French teacher we walked into the office. I took a seat.

"You should know why we called you here?" the principal asked Louis. He shook his head. "Well it appers Miss Tommlinson belted the lyrics to the French song playing and disturbed the students."

"In my defense shouldn't it be good I knew the words?" I asked.

"What's the song about?" The teacher asked.

"The mom saying the kids waisting his life." I said smirking.

"Right." She said.

"Then what is there to be in trouble about?" I asked.

"Talking back to the teacher." She said.

"Well, I never did. These are facts." I said emotionless. Louis starred at me. i just sat there. Silence filled the air. "Exactly. You are waisting these boys time when they could be at work making some dough to keep me healthy and happy." I said. More silence. "This is talking back. Obviously you are too stupid to notice you are waisting peoples time along with your own." I said. She looked taken aback. "You know if it will make you happy give me a detention for statng facts that you know are right." I said. 

"Just forget this happened." She said. I walked out the boys following me. I walked to the my locker still followed. I opened my locker and grabbed the needed things. I saw Alexa walk over to me.

"You in trouble." I shook my head. "that was hilarious." She said laughing. I looked down the hall to see a drop dead sex god.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Well his name is Austin." She said.

"Dibs."I said. She laughed. The boys were still there, then girls walked over to us and purposely knocked down my books. "Pick them up." I said. The blond bimob shook her head. I shoved her. "See this is something you should know, don't fuck with me." I said before grabbing my books. Me and Alexa walked to lunch, but dropped off our books at the class before. We walked down to the lunch room. I saw the boys at the door. I quickly ate my food and walked over to the air hockey tables in the back of the lunch room. Alexa started playing with a boy named Ricky. She was winning when the puck hit my wrist. I threw it at Ricky, it bounced off him and Alexa hit it and made the winning goal. Me and her cheered. We walked out side and we leaned against the wall in the shade just talking casually. Ricky came out with a pack of gum. I walked over to him and asked for a piece he gave me one and I put it in my pocket. Then he had a bag of Vanilla Wafers. 

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