This will be the day Chapter 4

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Blake couldn't stand the wait. She walks outside and Sun follows her.

Sun: Blake, what are you doing? Come back inside.

Blake: No, I can't! What is going on? Why doesn't someone tell us something? Why didn't Qrow tell us about Yang.

Sun: I expect maybe he didn't want to worry you.

Blake: I don't care. I've got to do something! I'm going to see Qrow. Sun tags along after her. He knows he can't stop her.

After a few minutes, Blake stops suddenly. She stares at the ground in disbelief.

Sun: What is it?

Blake: This is where we saw him earlier.

Sun: Saw who? Qrow?

Blake: No, Tyrian. He was dead. He was lying right here and now...

Sun: So, maybe Ironwood has people cleaning up the bodies.

Blake: No, no. Everything else is the same. Nothing has changed except...Tyrian isn't here.

Sun: Maybe you are confusing this place with some other spot. Maybe this isn't where he was at all.

Blake: Look, see that there. She points out objects in the area. You saw it; how could anyone forget this? I wish I could. I have never seen anything so awful before. I know this is the spot. You don't think.... somehow...he is alive?

Sun: No, Blake calm down. You have to be wrong or there is some other explanation. Maybe someone moved him. I don't know but... he is dead. We both saw him. No, I can't forget it either. This looks like the same place but, honestly, I tried not to see too much. I don't want to remember this either. He hugs Blake. Come on.

Qrow and Raven look around. They check out the area. It seems that all of the fighting is over for now. They both know it isn't. They both feel it. Raven rarely showed emotions but Qrow could feel her now. She was very upset; he felt how anxious and afraid she was. He and Raven hadn't felt connected like this for a long time. They didn't speak much. There was no need. The silence ended as quickly as it began. Adam and his followers had returned in the airship. Mercury, Watts and Hazel were with him as well.

Raven: If you have my daughter, then either release her to me right now or prepare to die.

Watts: Mercury get her. Raven, I think you know how this works. We aren't going to just let her go. If you want her, then you have to give us what Salem wants.

Qrow: What is it that she wants?

Watts: The relics.

Raven: I can't give you any relics. I don't have them.

Hazel: We know you have the maiden powers. That means you have the relics or you can get them.

Qrow: The relic at Beacon is still there. You won't be able to get it. No one can, not even the maiden.

Mercury returns with Yang who has been restrained: Here she is. How about a trade? You willing to take her place?

Raven: I'll take her place! Let her go now!

Qrow: Raven, what are you doing?

Raven looks at Qrow; she holds her hands out to Mercury: Let her go and take me. Let her go with Qrow.

Yang: Mom? You don't have to do this.

Raven: I know what I'm doing. Go!

Watts takes Raven while Mercury releases Yang into Qrow's custody. Then Watts and the others board the airship.

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