This will be the Day that we have been waiting for Chapter 7

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This will be the day that we have waited for

Chapter 7

Blake had just received word from Ruby. All the pieces were finally in place. It was time. Time to bring everyone together. She calls for a meeting with everyone.

Ozpin: Yes, Blake? You have news for us?

Blake: The framework is complete. It is time to finish this, once and for all.

In Vacuo, Ruby had just spoken to Blake.

Ruby: Ok everyone, it's time. We need to get the relic and get back to Atlas immediately.

Nora: Let's go!

Ren: Does everyone remember their jobs?

Emerald: I know what I have to do. Turning to the Summer maiden, Paige? Are you ready?

Paige: I'm not quite sure. I hope I don't disappoint anyone.

Ruby: You will do fine. Remember, we are all here to protect you. We have a plan. If we stick to the plan, we will be on our way to Atlas in no time!

Paige: I hope so.

In Raven's room, Dr. Watson enters and finds Taiyang visiting with Raven. Raven is awake and finally out of the woods. Taiyang stands as the doctor enters the room.

Taiyang: I can leave you alone with your patient doctor. Raven, I'll be back later.

Raven: No, stay.

Doctor Watson: Oh, there's no need to leave on my account. I'll be brief. Raven, you have made a remarkable recovery. Now, I want you to take it easy but, normal activities as tolerated.

Taiyang: So, Doc, she's really good now?

Dr. Watson: Perfect. If you excuse me. I have other patients to tend to.

After the doctor leaves, Raven reaches out to Tai. He takes her hand and sits back down.

Raven: I told you there was no reason to leave.

Taiyang: Well maybe you are going to have a lot harder time getting rid of me now. He kisses her hand gently. As I understand it, you need to start resuming normal activities. Come with me.

Raven: Where are you taking me?

Tai: Just a short walk. He helps her up, carefully supporting her as she leans against him.

In Vacuo, Ruby and her team make their way to the vault. The first part is easy; all they have to do is blend into the crowd. As they approach the more secure areas, they are careful to avoid cameras and security guards. Emerald uses her semblance to get the team past the last checkpoint. Finally, in the underground tunnels, they reach the vault. Paige nervously approaches, the vault opens for her. She enters the vault alone to take possession of the relic.

Ruby calling to Paige: Paige? Have you got it? Ruby decides to follow Paige into the vault. She finds Paige holding the relic in an entranced state. Paige? Is everything ok?

Paige turns to Ruby: Are you sure...we should be doing this?

Ruby: Why? Are you having doubts? Did something happen?

Paige: I'm not sure....what I feel.

Ruby: I believe we are doing the right thing. Come on. We must hurry.

As they start to leave...they find they are no longer alone.

Glynda Goodwitch, Qrow, and Winter have made their way back to the Atlas vault. Given clearance by General Ironwood, they meet with no resistance at all. Retrieving the relic is a piece of cake for the experienced team. Leaving with it would prove to be much more difficult.

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