035 | The big reveal

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I finally let him go and my hands were still on his sharp jawline as we pulled away our lips and smiled at each other. I licked my lips and felt the sweet taste of strawberry from his lips. We were still in the bathroom, Nick left first to not make it obvious that we were together, I played with my legs as I was still sitting on the counter of the sink, after 2 minutes passer I jumped off the counter and left the bathroom.

Everybody had finished their food when I came and my eyes widened, they ate pretty fast. Zion pulled me in for a hug and I forced a smile out, I was expecting a normal-short hug, not one that would last for more than 5 seconds.

"So you guys finally happened again" Brandon asked us as he smiled and raised one of his eyebrows looking at Zion as we were still at the restuarant.

"Uhm..-" Zion said but I interrupted him. "No" I said and looked at Nick, he heard everything and he was smiling, I wanted him to know, that I chose him.

"Well, maybe one day, I mean you basically kissed two times" Brandon awkwardly responded, and my eyes widened and immediately flew to Nicks eyes, fuck I thought.

"Kissed twice, what do you mean?" Nick asked as he stuttered between each word, his eyebrows furrowed. "Bro I only told you" Zion said to Brandon and he slowly nodded.

"Tell me Zion" Nick said almost yelling, everybodys eyes flew to Nick, everyone could tell he was getting frusturated. "Well uhm, we kissed, it was passionate."

"So she responded to your kiss?" Nick asked him getting closer to Zion, their chests almost touched. How the fuck did we get here? Zion left the restaurant and we followed him out not to cause drama inside, Nick kept yelling after Zion, asking so many questions.

"Yes she did, you've always been against me and Rey what's your fucking problem? It's been more than a year.. chill I found her. Since when did you ever care about her" Zion said which lead Nick to chuckle.

"Because, you ALWAYS.. ALWAYS hurt her, you cheated on her when you were dating and lied about it, played with her mind which lead her to leave for 8 FUCKING MONTHS. Do you even know how hurt I was? It was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through." Nick said as he teard up, my breaths were getting heavier.. Fuck. We were standing on the grass outside the restarurant.

"Dude, you make it sound like you love her chill" Zion chuckled out. "Because I do" he responds, my eyes widened and so did everybody elses.. is he going to reveal it? I kept thinking and thinking in my head. Shit.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

Nicks eyes met mine and I could tell he was scared. I sighed, did we have to do this today? I knew he was going to lose Zion if he told him, but if I told Zion he might have a nicer reaction. I walked towards Nick and looked into Zions eyes.

"It's a long story" I said to Zion, I hated the audience we had.. Gabby, Tiff, Char, Brandon, Edwin etc. I took a deep breath, ready to lose Zion.

"Tell me" he demanded.

"When we dated.. it was fake, just to hurt you. During that time i was falling for Nick without knowing, seeing how he would take care of me really made me fall for him, but then I was with you. Nick knew you would hurt me but I ignored it, I loved you during that time we dated but then you cheated.. And Nick was there to let me cry over his shoulder, and I left, without telling him anything. Then I came back and saw him and Gabby, it hurt because it made me realize what we could've been if it wasn't so complicated. But then after awhile we actually dated, and we have been now since I came back. Nick was too scared to lose you that's why he never said anything" I felt like I let go of a huge weight off my shoulders. I didn't know where to look, i couldn't meet zions eyes or nicks, I was too scared so I looked down at my feet.

"I can't believe this.. you must be joking right? What about the kiss?" He asked me as his arms crossed, his eyes were getting watery. They all looked madly at me and nick, except Edwin, Ashley and Elle since they already knew.

"Nick.." Gabby said tearing up as she looked deep into his eyes. I hated her but I didn't want to hurt her, I'm the worst person in this entire world. I hurt so many people because I was selfish.

"I'll see you two at the house" Zion said as he pushed me with his arm as he walked past me, they all walked away. They were furious, mad.. will they talked to me?

I watched them all walk towards the car as they left me and Nick alone, we stared at each other awkwardly, I could tell his eyes were filled with regrets.

We walked home, it was 30 minutes away but we could make it. It was awkward, it went 20 minutes before I finally opened my mouth to say something stupid.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this" I said to him and sighed almost causing me to cry. I swallowed the big lump in my throat and felt a hand grabbing mine, a soft arm causing me to shiver.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" he said but I could hear it in his tone, that sad tone that I would hear whenever he was upset over something, or when he regretted something and I totally understand. Ever since i came into his life it's been a mess for him.

I pulled my arm away.. crossing my arms and I felt his eyes looking at me but I didn't look back. We were a mile away from the house, it was a beautiful view we had. Big white houses surrounded by green grass.

"Look, I mean it. Maybe I'm hurt and our friendships ruined but we will fix it, the boys will forgive me. I'm patient, I'll be fine as long as I've got you" I smiled at his words. "I love you Nick" I said one more time and we finally looked at each other and smiled at each other.

I cant deny and say that I'm not in love with what was infront of me.

We finally reached the house and knocked and Edwin opened the door. He had a crooked smile on his face and me and Nick entered the house. It was quiet, I walked upstairs.. I was going to talk to zion. I had to.

I pushed the door that was halfway open to his room. "Zion.." I called out and his head turned around.

"What the fuck do you want?" He said with his soft voice that I admired so much. I sat on the big pillow he had in his room and I was only a meter away from him, he was playing games on his PS4.

"Zio-" I say before he interrupts me.

Word count: 1247



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