The beginning

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So we started talking when I was in Julia's. I started saying I'm gonna get fucked up with maya in 2 weeks and u started calling me a junkie and all and then I was going gym and you put me in a category and I teased u and said u were in one too I said you are kind a mystery, I still think about you like that. I used to not really like you because I thought your taking the piss out of me and making fun of me, but I guess I was wrong lol well maybe we'll see about that in a few days weeks months years idk. Hopefully what u said to me before I went out to u was true, that ur actually putting in the effort to talk to me and actually care about me.. hopefully your just not another boy that doesn't mean what he says because that will hurt me maybe not now but if this keeps on going it definitely will hurt a lot. I try not to get attached to you because once I get attached I'm fucked if you crush my little heart. I just want to be happy is it that hard to ask for. I don't want to cause anyone harm I just want someone to be here for me ALL the time and put in the effort and time for me and I want to give back the same. I want the energy to be good and the vibes to feel amazing. I just want someone to love me as much as I'll love them. I hope maybe you can give that to me ?

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