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So ye you acc came out to me lol. Ur really kinky i realized that. You made me feel a bit awkward at first but after a while we started to get confident. Out straight before we even kissed you told me to show you the bra you picked out for me. I lifted my shirt up for you to show you. I didn't want to, I kind of just wanted to actually talk to you and get to know you. Well we did talk for the most part hahaha. We were getting good vibes as so I think. You did this thing that's really nice. You grabbed my face and kissed me and then stopped looked into my eyes and smiled and pulled me towards you again and kissed me. I think that was really nice :). A boy never done that to me. I hope it's something special and I hope you don't do that to every girl because that would be really upsetting. You said you might come out on Friday. But I hope you don't want to just have sex. Because I don't know how I feel about this. Isn't it too soon ? I just kinda want to get to know you, your personality, get used to your laugh and your voice. I don't want to get fucked over. We'll see what happens sure. It's only sex but for me it means so much more. I'm sick of just doing it because everyone does it for fun, this time I want it to be different I want to do it out of the love I have for someone and if u can't respect that then I don't think we should talk because you know how bad I am after breakups and boys in general. I've been hurt way too many times and can't take this anymore.

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