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Chapter four| What if?

The morning air flew through my hair combing it to knots. The breeze bounced off my face and tickled my nose. Fresh air definitely was helping my cold. My lungs felt healthy. Kind of like when it's the day after Christmas and you've already eaten all your chocolate, so you feel like the world is weighing down on you. But than you decide to eat a carrot and you feel as if you're a whole new person and might just run a marathon. Although you don't because you never run in the first place.

Just me?

Coughing was still existent. The doctor said I'd have bronchitis for a few weeks. Unfortunately for me, bronchitis comes with a seal cough. Also the pain in my throat always throbbing.

Lying peacefully on the trees were droplets of water. Each individual particle soaked into the green leaves, or dripped farther towards the earth, feeding its thirst. The farm was damp and moist, the air felt wet and heavy.

I sat on Bens front porch, it smelt of manure and wet trees. The birds chirped songs as an ensemble, the nature's music no man could ever recreate.

I sat on the front porch on a wicker chair. The cushions curved to my weight creating a perfect fit to my body. My feet rested on a foot stool, all covered by my black fuzzy blanket, the warmest thing in the world. The one thing that annoyed me with this blanket was the direction of the fluff. One direction was darker then the other, making me go haywire. My fingers pushed it all in one direction, a feeling of contentment took over me.

Resting on my lap was my silver computer the Netflix logo popped up on the screen making my lips curve up.

Netflix has so many options of things to watch it boggles me. I decided to go with a classic movie from my childhood called, 'Alvin and the chipmunks.'

Sleep was going fairly well. Typically I never do good in sleeping in other places then my own bed. Oddly, here i'm falling asleep quick. It could be because my cold is draining me out a lot quicker then any regular day. Plus all this fresh air was getting to me.

Last night I fell asleep around nine. Any other night I go to bed around eleven. So this morning I woke up early, around seven.

Typically I sleep in. A lot. My mom used to yell at me for it, but she's never around any more, so I do what I want.

Suddenly all thought froze as a voice cut through the air. "You going to school?" It said.

I figured it wasn't directed to me. Ben was gone, and I had no one else to talk to. I ignored the voice and continued watching the absolutely best thing in the world, Netflix.

A true life saver.

"Hey! Blonde girl in the chair! I asked you a question!" It came again. I figured it wasn't for me, my hair isn't blonde. It's more dirty blonde.

Suddenly the tap on my shoulder made me think again. "April. Are you deaf or something?"

It was Liam. Of course it was Liam. Who else would it be? I sighed at the realization I'd have to talk. My voice in the morning sounded like a dying tiger, ugly and unattractive.

Actually, that's an insult to dying tigers around the world. Plus Richard Parker sounded like a ladies man even when he was dying in the book, 'Life of Pi.'

"No. I can hear just fine thank you very much. But I project my voice only in times of need." I said, looking back at my computer pausing the movie.

"And I'm not a time of need?" He asked. I looked up at him, his awfully attractive face showed a slight frown, which I knew to be a forced frown to make me feel bad.

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