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Chapter five | Hiking is not my forte

My feet slipped right into my black rubber boots. My mom had said that it'll get really muddy around here especially when it rains so she suggested bringing her old rubber boots. My yellow rain jacket hung on the hook next to uncle Ben's. I quickly wrapped it around my body. It fit me quite nicely considering I found it lying in the basement unused.

Soon the door bell rang and I opened it up. Liam stood outside wearing a grey sweater and jeans. A black rain jacket was overtop. He wore navy blue boots with a grin plastered to his face.

I rolled my eyes already wishing I hadn't agreed to his offer.

Last night it poured rain. Uncle Ben said that's good because when he harvests it'll be easier for him to pull up the crops. To me that didn't really make sense. Wouldn't the mud get over everything and make things difficult?

It didn't matter. Once I stepped outside Liam spoke. "You ready to learn about the great outdoors?"

"I already know most of it. I did take science class after all."

He shrugged my comment off. "But what I'm teaching you is the real deal. You only get one VIP pass and I'm your ticket in."

"That sounds wrong on so many levels," I mumbled. Thankfully Liam couldn't hear me so he wasn't able to make any snarky comment.

"Okay so, you want to be the dare devil I know you are, or do you want to play it safe?" He asked. When he spoke I realized he didn't have an accent. I always thought people up north living in farms would have an accent. But then again I also thought all they wore were plaid shirts and had a piece of wheat sticking out the their mouth with a straw hat.

I furrowed my eyes. "What do those incline?"

"Not much. Just a way for me to get to know your instincts. You know," he paused looking at me. "A way to see if your wimp or not."

"I choose the dare devil option." I said. His grin grew.


I should have chosen to be a wimp.

Liam led me to a garage with a orange ATV inside. My jaw dropped. When he said we were going four wheeling I thought he meant riding a bike with four wheels.

Thinking back on that now, it was stupid of me to assume that.

Liam walked up to it hopping on. It was a foot off the ground, short enough for me to get on, but tall enough for me to struggle. The average height for girls my age was an inch shorter then me. I am 5 feet 5 inches. I'm very proud of myself for growing this height since both my parents are shorter then me.

I know, I know, my parents are hobbits.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me or are you going to hop on?" Liam asked.

I walked over slowly getting onto the vehicle. It was orange with red lines painted on to make it look 'cooler'. I flipped my frizzy hair behind my shoulders. "Ready," I said.

The sudden jolt sent me flying wrapping my arms around his waist. We dashed out of the garage at high speed. My hands wrapped around his waist tightened so I wouldn't fall off. There was enough distance between us that I felt comfortable, after all he was practically a stranger.

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