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Chapter Eleven | Why share a bed?

I sat in the living room watching a DVD. Because sometimes you've got to connect with your childhood and watch a Disney movie. I wrapped myself in a blanket with chips to my side, the screen looks grainy and old. Just the way it used to be.

I smiled at the television as Mushu says something funny to Mulan for the one hundredth time. This movie is in the running to be my favourite Disney movie. Because who doesn't like a little bit of girl power?

I jumped out of my skin when I heard the front door open. Ben wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow! I hid myself under my blanket, allowing myself to peak out to watch the movie every few seconds.

When a figure came into view I let out a breath. Liam flopped on the couch beside me. "Stop scaring me you rat!"

Liam looked at me questionably when I called him a rat. I only shrugged. "I'm never going to stop scaring you, chipmunk. You give me too good of a reaction."

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you here."

Liams lips curved into a pout and his arms folded over his chest. "I heard you think I'm a pain!"

I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment. Where did he hear that? Then it dawned on me that I told Ruby to tell him that a few days ago. I laughed at Ruby for actually telling him. "Well am I wrong?"

Liam let out a huff, but stopped talking and watched the movie with me. He knew I was right, so why fight me on it?

There was only about half an hour left, so he missed most of the plot. But he's probably already watched it, so it doesn't matter too much.

A couple minutes into my concentration, I felt the blanket on top of me slowly creep off my legs. Before I could grab a hold of the blanket Liam had yanked it onto himself.

"Hey!" I yelled immediately launching myself towards Liam to get a grip on the blanket.

It was like tug of war. My body weaved back and forth as his arms pulled the blanket towards him. His muscles were to great for mine, so I ended up toppling on top of him. My checks heated up, and Liam let out a grunt from the sudden impact.

I quickly got off of him and just sat where I was before shivering in the cold.

I caught Liams eyes glazing over me for a moment before he spoke up, "you can still sit there if you'd like." He said with a smirk.

I froze in my spot when I realized he meant his lap. I turned my head away from him to let the blush subside.

The idea stayed in my mind for a while. The idea was inviting. Don't get me wrong his lap is comfy. Plus he had the blanket. But before my devilish side took over, my common sense took hold. I scooted closer to him and we shared the large blanket. He let out a chuckle at my actions.

I now felt warm and fuzzy... maybe too fuzzy.

Once the movie finished, I looked over at him. He was snuggled in the corner with his eyes closed. His hair was no longer perfectly messy but just a frizz ball. His shirt was scrunched up with half the blanket over him, the other half of the blanket on me. My toes poked out of the bottom of the blanket while his legs were rested on top of my lap.

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