The drive

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Marco POV
Geez I can't believe me and Tom share a bed, I think I really like him but I need to get ready for today, oh yeah all my stuff at my old house, I'll just go to the park.
Tom Lucifer POV
Where are you going?
Oh yeah you and star are leaving, hey can you keep a secret? Umm yeah what is it Marco said. Well you see I have a crush on Jackie and you and her are really close I'll was just wondering.
Marco POV
(My thoughts are everything: man Jackie why her) oh well I think she likes you, well I better go meet star, cya later, I grabbed my scissors and left but the big problems was that I don't have a place to stay or no clothes. Well I'll just call Janna and tell her the truth! No I can't it will ruin star and her relationship.
( Marco got his stuff ready and met up with star and Janna, Jackie; Kyle, they soon got in the car and drove off )

Gravity falls

Mabel POV
Dipper! Omg there are gonna be people moving in next door! This is going to be the greatest year of all, I can't believe we're seniors and bill cipher is dead, oh I also told the family I'm gay!
Dipper POV
Yeah everything went by soon fast, at least the family was happy for you but they hated the fact I'm gay well except gruncle Stan and Wendy, I can't even help gruncle ford because he hates me. I'm gonna go outside you wanna come?
Mabel POV
Yeah and maybe we can meet the new neighbors. Dipper look there here, I see a blonde and black hair girls come out the car and a boy with blonde/green highlights come out too, then a truck pulls up and a girl with bright blonde/teal highlights come out finally a boy wears a red hoodie I really couldn't see his face but I could tell that he didn't have a suitcase. I grabbed dipper hand and went over to meet them. Hey people I'm your neighbor Mabel I live with my gruncles and this is my twin brother.
Dipper POV
Hey I'm dipper so who are you guys?
Star POV
Hi I'm star, oh Mabel do you wanna hang out with me and Janna? She the one with the black hair! Sure Mabel said. Okay let's go.
( star and Janna, Mabel leaves to check out the town )

Jackie POV
Hi I'm Jackie, and this is my older brother name Kyle, who's that kid over there? Dipper said. Oh him well he's nothing. Come Kyle let's pack are stuff and put star's and Janna stuff in there rooms. Oh Marco come here I have to tell you something! ( Jackie grabs Marco arm and brings him away from dipper)
Marco POV
What do you want? Since I moved with star there's no rooms for you so go find a different place Jackie said. Fine( I could even move and this may be a good reason to die, see Jackie walk off and going inside with Kyle, I'm nothing Kyle was right I should die everyone will be happy!
Dipper POV
( walks over to Marco, taps him on the shoulder ) hey dude are you al-r...( before I can finish he cuts me off and looks at me..... I could see he was being abused and I need to help..)
I'm fine so leave me alone Marco said. Dude i know how you feel, my uncle beats me cause I'm gay and you can stay at my house if you need to.
Marco POV
You might be the first person to be nice to me, I told my parents that I'm trans and they kicked me out but my dad beat me, then Kyle told me to kill myself, the worst part that I am in love with this boy name Tom but he doesn't love me! I just got kick out of this place, I just want to die!
Dipper POV
I want to die too, let's make a deal, you live with me and my twin and by spring break if we aren't happy we can die! Okay I'm in but how do we die from? Marco said( suddenly a girl appears with fire around her)

Celestria POV Hey you two! Was it mason pines and Marco Diaz! I think I have a way for you two to be happy! Marco POV Umm who are you? And what are you and what's your proposal?Dipper POV Your a demon aren't you? And my name is dipper pines! What ...

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Celestria POV
Hey you two! Was it mason pines and Marco Diaz! I think I have a way for you two to be happy!
Marco POV
Umm who are you? And what are you and what's your proposal?
Dipper POV
Your a demon aren't you? And my name is dipper pines! What do you have in mind?
Celestria POV
I'm celestria and yes I'm a demon who likes making deals and I have something in mind you might want! The deal is Marco I have place I stay in and you can leave with me also if you guys aren't happy by the end of spring break I'll kill you! Deal?
Dipper POV
No, I can't leave Mabel I'm sorry Marco but I really want to be friends with you!
Marco POV
Dipper? Me and you are friends and celestria its a deal(we shook hands, and we were gone actually we are in a cabin) where's dipper at?
Celestria POV
He's at home dummy! My friends would get mad if I would two boys home with me!
Anyways this is your room sorry that's it's purple and blue.
Marco POV
Friends? I'm not a boy I'm a girl also the colors are fine! I jump on the bed and just laidback staring at the ceiling, do you think there's something wrong with me?
Celestria POV
Oh so your transgender, nice and yeah I have three roommates, ones a mage and the rest is demons, no there's nothing wrong with you! I think people are jealous of you so they put you down with mean words, or they hurt you. Look my roommates will love you and we will shop tomorrow for clothes, you'll love them! Goodnight!
Marco POV
Thank you! And can't wait to go shopping, I need new stuff goodnight!
Living room

Mage: hey love I'm home and how's your day?
Celestria: I made a deal with a boy name Marco, he staying in the guest room!
Demon: what's the deal?
Blue: what's wrong with him, I can smell the blood?
Celestria: those are his cuts and scars on his body, the deal was if he's not happy until the end of spring break I'll kill him, but there's a catch! I'm not gonna kill and we're going shopping tomorrow with him!
Mage: thank you so I'm guessing he doesn't have a home! Well he's welcome here.
Blue: I'll pay for everything I cannot wait until I can meet him!
Demon: I'll make appointments for him so he can have beautiful long hair and other stuff, oh my gosh we can take him to the blood moon ball!
( the girls stay up talking, but soon got tired so fell asleep )

New house

Jackie: Kyle what happens if they find out
Kyle: nothing no one even cares about Marco!
( sister and brother went to bed )

Star POV
Janna where's Marco? And where's his suitcase? Do you think he'll be bullied in this school?
Janna POV
Are you gonna stand up for her! And idk where she is or the suitcases are at.
Mabel POV
I got text from my brother that he got kicked out from his house and are living with this stranger. You know if y'all are his friends then why aren't you there for him? Actually I don't care goodnight!
Star POV
she right we're horrible
Janna POV
she told me a few things about what's been happening at the house but I never New it was this bad, why did you invite Jackie?
Star POV
she begged me, Jackie was the reason me and Tom broke up, Marco he always looked at Jackie the way I look at you!
Janna POV
Marco wasn't look at Jackie! She was looking at Tom! Marco likes Tom! Ever since they hung out together but Jackie made his life a living hell!
Star POV
Your right, we're going to talk about it tomorrow maybe we can go shopping tomorrow with Tom!
Janna POV
Okay let's head to bed goodnight star, I love you.

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