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"Are you sure you're fine? Because you look pale to me. I don't know if my sickness have started affecting my eyes though" Zee said to me as she sat up straight on the bed and I passed her the bowl of chicken pepper soup her mother in law prepared for her. I went to visit her in her in laws place after work before I'll head home. Which I'm not eager to.

"I'm fine Zee" I assured her.

"I've known you for too long girl. And you can't lie. Something is surely wrong"

"Don't worry about me. Your main concern should be your health right now" I said to her as I fed Jaleelah her cereal.

"Just tell me. Please" she pestered giving me a puppy eyes.

"Zeee.. I don't want to talk about it" I said, my voice cracking at the end.

"A problem shared is half solved. Ouch" she winced. I stood up and went to her aid immediately. "I'm okay. It's just a little pain at my back. Oya tell me everything"

"Zee seriously there's nothing wrong" I lied

"You're are lying. Just tell me" she pestered. So I gave up.

"I don't know why but Yusuf has been behaving strange lately. He hasn't been talking to me except if I ask him a question. And he'll reply with just two or three words.I don't know why? I'm really worried" I sobbed

"Since when?" She asked looking concerned

"A day before yesterday morning. The day of the wedding fatiha" I replied with tears still in my eyes

"Did you guys argue about something?" She asked


"Maybe you should confront him. Ask him what happened. You guys should talk. He's probably angry about something you did to him unknowingly. Make him talk to you."

"How? Just tell me how. Because I've tried my best" I sobbed harder

"When he comes back this night just force him to talk to you. Don't leave until he talks to you. In shaa Allah everything will be alright"

"Thank you"

"Oya cheer up. You know I hate seeing you this way" We conversed a little more before I got ready to leave. I had a good laugh to the extent tears started to roll down my cheeks. There was never a dull moment with Zee.
"Alright. Just take care of yourself and be strong. I'll see you tomorrow In Shaa Allah. Don't worry about me " I cleaned the tears in my eyes before heading home. Through out my ride home I was thinking about what I could have done to annoy Yusuf. I really couldn't place my finger on anything. I was just so stressed out with everything that's being happening. Zee getting well was the biggest thing on my mind. What could be wrong? We were just fine that morning but everything changed later in the day. He looked very angry and even shouted at Fauzz and Adda Shaheedah who were asking him about something.
"Ya Ilahi! What's wrong with your husband?" Adda Shaheedah had asked me that day

"I don't know too. He's being moody since this morning, I think he's furious about something and doesn't want to talk about it" I said to her.

Yusuf came back home later in the night and didn't even bother talking to me before going to his room. I was badly missing him. His laughter that filled the house, his jokes, his kisses, his hugs and many more. I just miss my best friend. I wouldn't let anything come between us. Whatever it is he has to talk. I went to his room but the door was locked. I knocked and knocked but no answer. Why is Yusuf doing this to me?

"Yusuf!" I yelled banging at the door "please open the door"

After knocking for about 5 minutes, he finally opened the door. He stood there looking at me, he was just staring and I stared back. I could see pain in his eyes.

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