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Name: Yusuf Umar Mu'azu
Time of death: 5:15 pm
Cause of death: Brain tumour

"I'm going to summarise my whole life in two words to you guys" I smiled at the audience "Beautifully broken"

I took a deep breath and continued. "I've lost more than I could've imagined. The last 4 years of my life showed me hell. Having to raise two daughters alone and refusing help from anyone was painful. These two girls are the reason why I'm still standing firm, they are the reason  why I've gotten here today. I lost my husband when we needed him the most, I lost my mother when I needed her the most all to cancer. I lost my niece who was my bestfriend to Fibroid and childbirth. I lost my twin brother in a car accident. May Allah grant them all Jannah"

"Ameen" The audience said in Unison

"Yusuf was the kind of husband any woman would have prayed for. He never wants to see me in pain or worry to the extent he didn't tell me he had cancer for almost a year. Well, he was good at hiding things. He wanted soo many children especially girls.... he would always say 'Reedah, we are going to have five girls and maybe one boy' and when I asked him why, he said 'you know the boy child is very stubborn, and I don't want anyone stressing you'. He was very considerate.

Naming this cancer and maternity centre after Yusuf was very thoughtful of you guys and I'm very glad. I'll give as much help as Yusuf would have given if he was here. This was one of his dreams and I'm here to help him achieve it In Shaa Allah. Yusuf Mu'azu Cancer and Maternity centre will be of great help to the society at large by Allah's grace. Thank you " I concluded and the audience applauded while I got back to my seat.

"He bought a plot of land to start the project. He had even laid a foundation and ordered some equipments for the centre. He said he wanted to surprise you by naming the centre after you when he was done" Nurse Zukaikha said when she had come to check up on me exactly one month after Yusufs death.

"Yusuf kenan! You know I had no clue about this. He sure did know how to hide things."

"Now they want to continue the project but no money. They are trying their best to see what they can do. It'll take time but they'll surely finish it"

A year later.

"An unknown person has been donating money for the project and the mosque project too. The account name just says Muhammad Dukku" Nurse Zukaikha said to me over the phone.

"Are you for real? I asked her in disbelief "It has to be someone from Gombe" I added

"I'm serious. Huge amount of money on a monthly basis into the both accounts."

"Ma shaa Allah. This is good news to us. Whoever the person is, May Allah reward him or her abundantly."

Today, Alhamdulillah the centre and the mosque are now completed. Ya Fahad had to invite Yusufs colleagues, friends and family for dinner where we celebrated and prayed for him. It was heartbreaking to see everyone here without him but I was glad everyone was here for him.

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