During Committee

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*To those who are new to MUNs During lobbying delegates are free to roam around the committee to work with other delegates. Delegates who work together are called Co-Submitters, and there is typically one Main Submitter to the resolution. Merging takes place during Lobbying Sessions. The prepared drafts will be sent to an Approval Panel for corrections before it can be presented to the committee*

( Harry's P.O.V )

*After the roll calls*

Angel face announced that the lobbying session has now begun, right after which people got up and started trying to find others to make alliances with to form blocks.

I got up and walked up to Hermione's desk where the name card Germany was propped upright, she had already made alliances with Lebanon and Rwanda as I reached there and was indulged in a deep clause related conversation when I decided to join in.

"Oh hey, Harry! I was just in the process of forming a block with these two, I have already informed them that you are to be the main submitter and they seem to be cool with it" said Hermione .  "Alright then , let's get started with the resolution" I said flashing a smile at the other 2 members of the block.

After a long tiring day filled with an infinite number of clauses and the heavy effort to put forward a perfect resolution,  the committee was adjourned by the head chair who would most likely receive a head from yours truly.

After picking up my laptop and my journal which low key resembled a lady in her 5th month of pregnancy all thanks to me stuffing it with rogue papers on which i had taken notes (why did i not take the notes on my journal? i don't have an answer to that yet) I started to make my way out of the ballroom and was taken by surprise because of the sudden tug I felt on the sleeve of my blazer, turning around to see if whether my blazer had the audacity to get stuck on something and make me look like a complete air-headed twit in front of angel face; instead of an annoyingly sharp edge of of a table I was greeted by a pair of beautiful stormy grey eyes. 

"Delegate of Afghanistan, you forgot to take this" Angel face said slipping a piece of paper into my blazer and then walked out of the ballroom leaving behind a startled me. I slowly slipped out that piece of paper and opened it with caution only to be greeted by a phone number hastily sprawled on it.

"Harry! hurry the hell up I have a date with Ron which I do not want to be late for, he already thinks i prioritize my academics over him which might be true to a certain extent but i don't want him to know that" called out Hermione who had been impatiently waiting for me to pack up my things and follow her outside. Smiling to myself I quickly stuffed that piece of paper back into my Blazer and walked out of that ballroom only to be greeted by a very much annoyed Hermione.

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