Message Received

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( Draco's P.O.V )

For the past 15 minutes, Pansy and I have been sitting in my car talking about that man hunk in my committee, weirdly enough, she seems to be completely unfazed by this entire situation. "So does this man candy of yours have a name?" asked a seemingly unimpressed Pansy. Sighing, I mumbled disappointedly at her reaction "Harry, Harry Potter".

Looking down I braced myself for her to come up with an insult (she has a habit of making fun of my crushes because apparently according to her, they weren't my 'soulmate'), an insult which never came. Much to my amusement, when I looked up, her dark brown eyes were wide with shock. "You know him?" I asked her grinning like a Cheshire cat. She then proceeded to slowly remove her seat belt and do her weird victory dance. 0.0

"Clearly, I'm missing something," I said now annoyed at just the thought of him being her ex-boyfriend or something. "Awww is lil dwaco poo jelly?!?!? Well don't be, I would NEVER come in between my ship" she said, smiling to herself. "Your what now?" I asked completely perplexed. She rolled her eyes and scolded me for not making a bigger move on him. "I SLIPPED A PIECE OF PAPER INTO HIS BLAZER, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT NOT A BIG ENOUGH MOVE?!?!?" I replied, screaming at her for even suggesting something like this, then again what did I expect? it is Pansy after all.

"Well you could have done something 'bigger', something tells me a striptease would have been quite nice" Pansy replied thoughtfully making me scoff. "Why stop at that? might as well give him a lap dance tomorrow during roll call" I said rolling my eyes at how delusional she can be. "*GASSSSSP* OMG WOULD YOU ACTUALLY??? Can I see? pwetty pweaseee" begged Pansy. "You know what? my bad, I should NOT have expected you to understand sarcasm at its finest" I said flipping my hair. "Wait so you are not going give him a lap dance?" Pansy asked genuinely confused. "Pans, nevermind that, you said you ship us, something tells me that you knew him before this MUN, how do you know him?" I enquired. "Slow down Sherlock Holmes, you know I'm too gay for you to be worried about 'how' I know him," she said laughing, "Besides, it's really not my place to say, you should ask him that yourself darling" she added on, her tone now getting a little serious. Before I could come up with a witty response, my phone chimed, indicating that I had just received a text, rolling my eyes I unlocked my phone, only to nearly drop it.



~Hey angel face! it's Harry here, hope you're all prepared for tomorrow ;)


~Ahahahah yeah, prepared to brutally judge all of you *insert devil emoji*

(Saves number to Hunk 101)

Hunk 101:

~ Well considering the fact that I am the main submitter for the resolution scheduled for tomorrow, I better brace for impact then :)


I swear to god the only thing this man has to brace for is my body pouncing on his, smiling to myself, I hastily wished him good luck for tomorrow's committee. "Who are you texting? Didn't your mother ever teach you it's rude to text someone else in the middle of a conversation boi?" asked a very annoyed Pansy. "Well, what if I was texting the other half of your ship?" I asked her smirking. "OMG ASDFGHJKL!!!!!! send nudes now quick, remove all clothing" chirped Pansy. "No one is sending any nudes Pans" I sighed. "aww don't worry about not receiving a dick pic from him yet dwaco poo, all good things comes to those who wait," said Pansy with a broad smile plastered across her face. Shaking my head I started up the engine and drove us both back home.

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