The Social- Part 2

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( Draco's P.O.V )

Under normal circumstances would I have followed someone I just met into an empty balcony? No. So what makes him the exception? Well, that's pretty simple, because technically even though he's just another delegate, something about him is too familiar. Is it his perfume? Nah. Hair gel maybe? No way, have you seen how messy his hair is? Although not going to lie, it does make him all the more attractive. I wish- I wish there was a way to find out if whether someone is attracted to you or not without actually having to ask them that yourself because I know that if I do and HE says no, it'd crush me.

"What's on your mind?" he asked intertwining our fingers together. Now, as much as I'd like to let him know that I was having a two-way conversation with myself, it's a bit too soon to unleash the crazy. Biting my lip and gathering every last ounce of courage in my body I looked down at my feet and asked him the one thing I have been dying to know, "Do you like me?". He turned to face me, cocking his head to the side and staring at me like I just grew out a second head, "You're kidding right?" He asked me with a hint of amusement in his tone. "No?" I replied nervously chuckling. Sighing he brought his hand to my face and gently stroked my cheek, "Is this okay?" he asked me cautiously. Slowly nodding my head in response I looked up at him.

Maybe time stopped when his lips met mine, but the flutter only intensified. My heart pounded against my chest as my knees got weaker. The only thing I could focus on was how soft he felt against my mouth, how addictively he invaded all my senses. Harry's kisses are like black holes, they pull you in until all gravity is lost under his touch. Fuck! he's a good kisser, I thought to myself before breaking away and resting my forehead against his. "If I had less than a minute to live, I would kiss you again and again as if the world was ending and you're the only thing left to love. I hope that when the time does come to an end, you'll be there so that I can hold you like a jar of butterflies and kiss you like the rain kisses the lonely. Now, does that answer your question angel face?" He asked chuckling softly and placing a kiss on the tip of my nose before taking a step back and getting down on one knee. 

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, would you grace me with your presence this Saturday night so that we can watch a PG movie and do R-rated things in the back of the theater?" 

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