Main Wattpad

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Saya punya dua akun wattpad sebenarnya, seperti yang saya sudah katakan pada bio saya juga sih.

Akun ini dibuat karena rekomendasi dari dua sobat saya. Kalo yang satunya tuh biasa baca wattpad yang berbahasa Inggris, nah teman saya yang satunya lagi bacanya wattpad berbahasa Indonesia. Ya awalnya sih bener-bener ga ada ketertarikan baca aku tu gaes. Whether English or Indonesian language, I'm not into reading section at all.

That's my problems since I'm an English literature student. Can you imagine that you are lazy AF and have to love doing it? Yeah, it's kind of my difficulty honestly. But again, that's not bad to try it, right? You know what, even I am a literature student, maybe there is only me the person who is not into Harry Potter. Terrible, isn't it? I just got worried at that time. My biggest matter is my insecurities like "can I pass it?" and so forth.

The bad day continues when my new-besties-in-this-department transferred to Medical Faculty of another university. She is the one who recommend me to read some stories in Wattpad. Surely, the condition was critical not only for me, but also my another besties--Nin. Sigh.

I just asked many times to myself, "Should I transfer too?"; "Should I give up?"; "Can I survive in this field?" and too much other of my thoughts.

Akan tetapi nih, saya memilih stay dan membenahi hal-hal yang sekiranya saya harus benahi secepatnya. Saya mulai menganalisa kekurangan saya, dan memasang jalan alternatif. Saya sadar bahwa saya bukanlah orang yang pede dan lancar dalam hal kecakapan berbicara. Karena itulah, saya perlahan mulai menekuni membaca dan membuat akun wattpad @clovazeus ini.

Saya ingat sekali cerita yang direkomendasikan oleh teman saya kala itu, cerita karya kak nauraini. I bet you guys can guess it easily!

Yap! That's true!
"I [Never] Give Up on You" was my first story I've read at that time. Hell ya, the first impression was what a handsome-image guy of Auriga HE HE. Yha, maqlum memang menghamba cogan saya tuh. Kan indah yak liat cogan mah HE HE.

Lihat dalam angan.

Eh, tapi kampus saya banyak cogan sih jadi ya biasa aja gitu.
Iya, saya bacot emang. He he.

Saya jadi kebiasaan buat main wattpad dan saya menemukan preferensi saya yang berbahaya... bacaan Adult. Saya terjerumus.. saya terjerumus gak sih? Gak deh, saya sadar soalnya. Hehe.

Itulah mengapa saya membuat akun lain yang awalnya saya niatnya hanya untuk baca dengan bebas bacaan Adult. I'll tell you about that other account of mine deeply in the next chapter and as well my tips to survive in English Department in the following chapters. Just wait for me to ngebacot yay!

8 January 2019
6:57 PM

Xoxo 🍀

I'm so sorry if I insert your username without asking your permission first, Kak Nau. I just want to exercise myself to write this hella (..good, I hope so lol), develop my self-character by pressing my insecurity and I really mean it in appreciating your work as my precious first book I've read here. Just keep up the good work and inspire me more, Kak Nau!
So much love from your fans, Kak

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