Adult Means Mesum? Let Me Explain about My Discoveries!

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Di chapter sebelumnya, saya sudah bercerita mengenai akun ini. It's like my review of my account lol. Di akun ini pula, saya sudah membaca beberapa cerita romance-- genre sejuta umat.

Romance pun memiliki berbagai background cerita, benar? Seperti Romance dewasa, Teenfic, dll. Nah, disini saya akan sangat ngebacot soal akun saya yang satunya. Perhaps, I have created JaneMadileyn in 2016. This account is so special to me. Why do I say like that? Tentu ini juga berhubungan dengan pengamatan saya pribadi mengenai sepak terjang genre Adult di Wattpad dengan stereotip Mesum.

For open up the section of ngebacot, I have something to say that I'm a woman who has also a lust. Some of you guys will judge me and the others will give a statement like "why not". Okay, it isn't wrong but it doesn't fit into our culture. Don't you realize it? I'm myself already aware of it because that's our fact, right? In thus occasion, I'll also remind to you, if you have teenage nephews or nieces or younger brother/sister, you must support them by educating them about sex properly.

In my junior high school era, I was curious and so clueless about the mechanism of reproduction. My friends just understood quickly in the discussion of human's reproduction and I got nothing in my mind. The dummy me, I know right lol. Moreover, my parents and my whole family never discussed it because that topic is taboo for them. Therefore, it was so difficult for me to understand the discussion in a sense of serious or also the joke made by my friends about that topic.

Um anyway, I also forgot how could I find the link to access the filthy stories at that time. An easy access in google, I guess? I think so. By reading those stories, I absorbed the knowledge of "having a lust" by the lil me.

Regularly, it becomes a habit to read the stories have rate Mature/Adult in Wattpad. Yha saya mikirnya iseng awalnya sih. Kayak yang "Ada ga ya cerita kayak gitu di genre Adult ini". Dulunya, justru cerita ngawur ala ala stensilan kayak gitu masuk di genre Random gaes. Buanyak! Gile! Maka dari itu, saya tidak paham awalnya dengan genre Random. Asumsi saya pada saat itu, Random untuk cerita-cerita mesum dan Adult untuk cerita Romance bercampur dengan adegan dewasa.

Se-sesat itu kan?
I'm so sorry because of my stupidity.

Kecenderungan saya setelah membaca cerita semacam ceritanya Kak Nau turns saya lebih mencari cerita dewasa yang prosesnya sangat tragis, pada awalnya.

Nah, let me explain the three major types of Adult story in Wattpad:
1) Romance - Adult (Tragedy) : banyaknya sih seperti cerita romantis tragis yang saya minati misalnya "Pay-V" by Gendis07, "Pink" by zetka_ZK, "Husband for Zahra" by Candradian, "Buy my Virginity" (I'm sorry I forgot the exact title and the author) etc. These stories are in Romance genre, but for me the theme is Adult. It's my subjectivity, okay. Well, I get it if you judge me. Tehee.

Back to my bacotan, As I did in the previous chapter, I do appreciate the authors! I love the tragedy side in their story because every problem in there are difficult to be solved. In particular, the stories have a certain issue to be thought of and surely I always bacot in there comment in line hehe.

Futhermore, it helped me to understand human more with this topic! By reading the issue often, I have a dream to make a woman foundation. May my wish comes true one day aamiin..

2. Romance - Adult (Marriage) : ada Tied series by kinky_geek. Wagelaze gabakal lupa sama Papa Ryan wkwk. Histori sang Fuckboy who always play safe lol, yang kemudian pula memutuskan untuk mematuhi wejangan sang mama untuk menikah dengan seorang wanita bernama Diana (cmiiw). Memantul! Yang aku suka dari cerita Papa Ryan ini, perkembangan karakter Ryan yang awalnya sangat membuat geregetan karena istrinya dinganggurin dan lebih milih 'main tangan' selama sekian bulan. Yhaa walaupun saya juga mengapresiasi tokoh ini yang tidak jajan sembarangan, sih.

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