Truth be told

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I wake up from my dream. Wondering what will happen next. I know it sounds weird but I have a strange feeling that wasn't a dream. I can't believe everything I was told. I don't see how my parents could do that to me. I guess it would be hard for anyone to believe.
My dad who would play dress up with me. My mom who would hold me when I was sick. It couldn't have all been a lie right? Unfortunately it took my mom voice to bring me back to reality.
"Alyana you have 20 mins to get your butt down here" She continues yelling. "Now hurry up before your breakfast gets cold" she said loudly.
So I hurried up and finished getting dressed and ready. "Well here goes nothing" I mumbled under my breath.
As I made my way down the stairs fear starting sinking in. What would I find down there. Maybe I'm just overthinking things. So I cautiously made my ways down the stairs into the kitchen.
"Well if it isn't the walking dead" he said while a small chuckle escaped his lips. That's something I did not want to hear after my dream last night.
"Here you are lightning bug I made your favorite. French toast and bacon with it of course. I can't believe my baby is 16 today" she said as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Oh Maryanne let the girl eat her breakfast in peace" my dad said in a I'm annoyed tone.

"Richard not everyone is like you. Maybe you should start showing some more emotion." My mother said harshly.

"There is no point Maryanne you knew this day would come eventually." My dad said in a sad tone.

Then my mom started crying again and ran upstairs. My dad just rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast.

"Your mother can be so dramatic" he said with a laugh. "Yeah" I said with a slight chuckle.

The thing was though my mom normally isn't this dramatic. I thought about my dream again from last night. Then my mom's words she said. They were both acting odd. Maybe my mom doesn't want to do this. I know Tristan said not to trust them and they don't care about me. Then why did my mom act that way? I was about to find out.

"Dad" I said with a curious disposition.

"Yes sweetheart?" My dad said as he was reading his newspaper.

"Who is Tristan ashdown?" I said in a serious manner. My dads voice just dropped. I can tell what ever I said bothered him. Let me rattle him some more then. I thought with a smile. "Also who is Victor?" I said with a slight grin on my face.

Now he looked even more puzzled. "Where did you hear those names?" He said harshly. I just stood there not knowing what to say next. "I wont ask again alyana now tell me." My dad said with such force. Then he did something I didn't expect. He came up to me so quick and grabbed my arm so hard. "Dad that hurts" I said as I started crying. He let me go and looked upset. "I'm sorry sweetheart I didn't mean it" dad said with a single tear rolling down his face.

My mom must of heard the commotion because she came running down stairs. When my mom got downstairs I can see she was crying. Her eyes were so red and irritated.

"Richard it's time to tell her." My mom said while looking at my dad.

Dad sighed, "Alyana we need to tell you.." I interrupted him. "I already know and all I have to say is how could you do this to me." I said with such anger. "Did you love me at all or was everything a lie" this time I was shouting. My parents weren't saying anything just looking down at the ground. "Tell me" I said still shouting.

"Lightning bug we didn't have a choice" mom said as she was crying.

"Didn't have a choice really mom or whoever you are" I said very harshly.

"Don't speak to your mother that way" my dad said while raising his voice.

"She isn't my mother and you aren't my father. You both lied to me. So honestly neither one you have any right to tell me what to do" I said with so much anger.

Both my parents just looked down at the ground. I think they were both at a lost for words. I can tell they were upset. Who gave them a right to lie to me like this though. Then my mom start speaking again this time very calmly.

"Honey you need to calm down before you do..." my mom said with shock as the whole house started shaking.

"I said not to tell me what to do. Your not my mother. I have every right to be angry." I said as the house started shaking some more.

I notice that not only was the house shaking, but my hands were glowing now. Now I was scared more than anything. What is happening to me. I'm suppose to be normal. I know I didn't have much of a life before but I still had something. I know I got teased a lot for having purple eyes and my wild curly hair. I was happy with my life though. Now I feel like my whole world is crashing down.

Just then my mom came up behind me and started trying to calm me down. "Shh sweetie I promise everything will be alright. I promise we will figure this out he won't get you. I don't care about what happens to me I only care about you" My mom said while she was hugging me tight.

I just started crying like a baby. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. Everything in my life was changing and I didn't like it. Then my dad started talking.

"Maryanne if we do this, you know what the prince will do to us." My dad said in a very scared and upset tone.

"I know Richard. I don't care though. I mean I know we said we wouldn't get attached when we took this assignment. How could we not though. She will always be our baby. Blood or not" my mom said while kissing my forehead.

"Wait dad what are you talking about? No I won't let the prince hurt you guys. Your the only the thing I have right now that feels normal" I said with a sudden burst of bravery.

"Princess whatever happens will happen just know that we will always love you" Dad said as his eyes started watering.

"Now you need to leave and find somewhere save. I know the prince probably felt your power. It's easy to feel when a new werewolf or vampire receives their gifts. Especially with someone as strong as you" He took a deep breath before continuing. "There is money in that envelope on the counter.Now take the car..." dad said then just stopped and froze in terror.

"No Maryanne were to late their here" my dad said with such fear on his face.

Just then I heard a vehicle pull up. I looked outside and several men in black suits started walking up to the door.

My mom started whispering to me. "Alyana take the money and run out the back door now hurry!!!" Mom said with such panic in her voice.

So that was interesting. So what does everyone think of my story so far. I'm almost done with chapter 3 and 4. I want everyone's opinions if I should release one chapter at time or in batches. Also let me know if the chapters are long enough. This book will be unedited. I'm sorry if any grammar mistakes were made. I'm doing my best to make sure I have no grammar mistakes. If you notice anything send me a message I will fix it. I want everyone to feel apart of the story thanks :).

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