Running fast

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I ran and grabbed the cash, then bolted towards the door. I can't believe what was happening right now. How could everything be normal one day then crazy the next. When I got to the door I just stood as panic sank in. The men had the whole place surrounded and I was trapped.

"Mom the whole place is surrounded" I said with fear in my eyes. What would happen now. I knew one thing,I can't let them get me.

"Alyana we are going to have to fight. Me and your mom have some skills of our own. When you get that chance to run you take it. Don't let anyone take you. You fight back. After all you have powers too" My dad said and he took his stand ready for what was ahead.

Could I really fight though. I guess if it came down to protecting my family I would do anything. Just then the door opened and at least 20 men walked in. Then about half of them started screaming while they were holding their heads. What was going on.

"What is this?" I said while my jaw just dropped.

"Well sweetheart it's one of your dads gifts. He loves using his mind control. Victor didn't pick us to watch over you for no reason. We are his best warriors. Now you think that's cool wait until you see your old mom in action" my mom said then gave me a wink.

All of a sudden my mom's eyes started glowing red. That wasn't all though pretty soon she had fire coming out of her hands. She shot flames from her hands and sent them flying towards 5 soldiers. Pretty soon they were all running trying to get the fire out.

Then a noise coming from the back door caught my attention. They were coming in from back. It's time for me to settle this. I remembered earlier how I made everything shake maybe I could do something like that again it's worth. So I focused but nothing was happening. Then men starting coming in through the back door.

"Come on Alyana" I said to myself. Why wasn't this working. Wait maybe I need to be angry to do this. So I started focusing on things that were making me angry. Which wasn't that hard with everything happening in my life. I focused all my anger on the soldiers.

The ground started cracking under their feet. One soldier tried to grab me but something stopped him.

"So I'm not to late for the party" the unknown man smirked then threw one of the men against the wall. "I must say your even more beautiful in real life" the unknown man winked at me.

This has to be Tristan and oh god he was so sexy. He had a tight muscular chest and the most brightest blue eyes, I have ever seen. His hair was a beautiful dirty blonde color. I could stare at him all day. Oh shoot I forgot he can read minds. He just laughed at me then gave me another wink.

"Like what you see meu lobo lindo" he said then gave me a big smile.

He has such a beautiful smile. I can tell, I can trust this man. He has a good heart. "What does meu lobo lindo mean?" But before he could answer me one of the men came up behind and grabbed my arm hard.

"Let go of me now!!!" I said with such force I swear the walls shook. Actually come to think of it they did and the whole house was shaking as well. The man flew up in the air and was slammed in the wall dying instantly.

"W-W-What I-I swear it was and accident. I-I didn't mean to kill him" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Alyana I know you didn't mean to right now you need to calm down. Look at me meu lobo lindo, you will be ok I'm here. Your emotions are controlling your powers" he said then came and wrapped his arms around me.

I tensed up at first but slowly melted into him. He skin felt soft and he was about a foot taller than me. I stand at five foot two. He was at least six foot two if not taller. His touched helped me calm down. Then I look around me and see all the devastation I had caused. Shelves were knocked over there was holes in the floor. The walls were cracked. Honestly I'm surprised the house was still intact. Then I came out of my trance by mother screaming.

My dad was lying there covered in blood. I ran over to him. Pleading that he survives. He still was my father, he still raised me. "Daddy please I can't lose you" I said hysterically. Then I just lost it I couldn't catch my breath. I couldn't stop crying. I have been through a lot in 24 hours and now my father was dying.

"I-I l-l0-love you sweet-t-a-a" he said having trouble getting his words out.

Then he was gone just like that my dad. The one that taught me how to ride a bike. The ones that kissed my boo boos when I was hurt just gone. It's like all my memories with him flash before my eyes. Then I started getting angry. At this point that soldier that killed my father I don't care if I kill him. I want him to die the anger kept flooding in and I couldn't control my own actions anymore. My mom and Tristan tried calming me down but I couldn't even hear their words. All I saw was red and I planned on killing them all.

"Arrrghhh you are all dead you hear me" I said as everything around me shook. My whole body was glowing now even my eyes. It look like a tornado was in the house. Stuff was flying through the air and the house looked like it can fall down any minute. My mom and Tristan just looked at me with fear in their eyes.

"Maryanne we need to get out of here. She no longer has control if we stay here we will be dead" tristan said fear on his face.

"She can do this I'm going to try to talk to her again" she said with confidence. "Lightning bug I know your in there somewhere" she takes a big breath before continuing. "Baby if you don't stop this you will kill me and Tristan. You killed all the men they are gone baby. Your dad wouldn't want to see you like this" she said as calm as possible.

Then I slowly started to come back to reality. What my mom was saying brought me back. Then I look around and there was so many dead bodies. Some looked like they had been on fire. While other bodies were twisted in such a grotesque way. Most of the men that attacked us, you could even tell that was a person. That is how bad they looked. I just fell on the ground looking at the destruction I caused. I started crying again my face and eyes were red. I didn't think I would be able to stop until Tristan brought me my back to reality.

"We need to go now Victor is on his way. I can feel his presence near here" he said loudly.

Just then more men started pulling up and it was even more than before. Was I really this important to victor. I guess I was he wanted me for his own sick game and no matter what I would not let him get me. Then my mom started talking with worry written on her face.

"You and Tristan take the money and go. I will distract the men. Now go before it's to late" she said sternly.

"Mom no I can't leave you and I won't leave you. I lost dad I can't lose you too" I said tears started filling my eyes.

"There is no time baby you have to go" she said shouting it at me.

"I'm sorry about this Alyana. I hope you can forgive me" he said looking sad.

Before I can realize what was going. I started feeling dizzy and then darkness consumed me. He somehow put me to sleep.

"Take care of my baby" she said sweetly.

"Don't worry I will" he said with a half smile.

Then he grabbed me bridal style and took off out the back door. "I know you will be mad at me once you wake up Aryana, but I had to keep you safe."He said while he brushed some hair out of my face. "You are so beautiful" he said with a smile. Then he started running. Who knows where he was taking me or what would happen now.

Hey guys what did you guys think of this chapter. There was sure a lot of excitement for sure. Isn't Tristan just the cutest thing. Will victor find them? Or will they escape? What about her real parents will she get to meet them or maybe something will stop her before she gets the chance. The next chapter will be three months after this event that happened here. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know if I can improve on anything. The next chapter will be out today to. I will be finished in a couple hours with the chapter four. Catch you guys later :).

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