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I have been here for a month now. I just sit in this room and avoid everyone. Victor tries to talk to me but I refuse. I don't care if he is my mate or not. I will never love him. He took me away from everything I love. Plus he sent those men that had my father killed. I hate Victor and his father. They are all evil. A knock on the door brought me back to reality.

"Alyana please I know this is hard for you but I really just want to help." Victor said in a concerning tone.

"Just go away" I said harshly.

"Please Alyana, I'm worried about you. You won't eat or drink anything. You just stay up in this room and cry. It isn't healthy. Plus I want to be honest with you and tell you the truth. I want you to know my story."He said lovingly.

I didn't know what to think. Here he is pouring his heart out to me. So far I haven't seen this monster everyone talks about. He has been nothing but sweet, and caring towards me. So I decided to give him a chance and let him in.

"Ok you can come in, I unlocked the door." I said nervously. He makes me nervous and honestly I didn't know what to expect. He came in with concern filling his eyes.

"Thank god your ok I was so worried about you." He said as he gave me a hug. I tensed up at first but then just relaxed from his touch.

"Before I tell you my story I want to let you know it can be gruesome. If at anytime you need me stop I will. I just want you to know the truth of what made me the way I am" he said looking sad. I could tell this would be hard for him.

"Ok I'm ready. Are you sure your going to be ok?" I said as I gently rubbed his back. I wanted him to know I was there for him.

He sighed, "Yes I will be fine. Your just the first person that's going to hear my story. Are you ready for me to begin?" I just nodded at him and gave him a reassuring smile.

Hey people this is your author here. This part of my story is about to get very violent and gruesome. So if there is anyone younger stop reading the book now. I do not recommend this chapter of my book to younger audiences. This is going to be in Victor POV. Thank you for reading my story. Also sorry for the late release of my chapter. I have been so busy with school work and work.

Victor's POV

"So let's start from before my dad became a nevermore vampire. My dad wasn't always evil. He use to be a kind and loving man until that fateful day when everything changed. I was just 5 years old when my dad changed." I said looking down at the ground.

"Mommy I want to go to park. Please take me to park mommy" I said pleading with her.

"Baby you know we're waiting for daddy to get home." My mother said sternly.

"Please mommy, daddy can meet us there." I said begging her.

"God I wish we never went to the park that day." I said as a small tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm here for you Victor" Alyana said as she pulled me into her embrace. She made me feel warm and safe. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

I sighed and continued the story. "Well like you my mother has a special bloodline. Only her bloodline carried this gift in their genes. So vampires wanted to take her as their own. So they can create more children with her gift. She was a very powerful vampire."

"What was her gift" Alyana said curiously.

"She could see the future. Not all the time obviously. That's how she was captured. The people blocked her gift somehow so she couldn't see them coming. My mother gave in to me and took me to the park. Then the...." I took a deep breath in. I was trying to catch my breath. This is so hard to talk about.

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