Chapter 5

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Alec can't believe his luck

Alec swore he wasn't going to take advantage of her, she had helped him out and didn't expect her to play the part so well but maybe she didn't realise what she was doing, dragging him into her room like that but when she took her jacket off and flung it on the chair then kicked her shoes off, he wondered if she was merely teasing him. Just like one minute she was going to be all 'oh everyone thinks I'm your girlfriend so I'm going to take this seriously' and the next he would get a slap on the face for his troubles and get kicked out permanently with her saying she was vulnerable after having too much to drink. Just great and if he didn't try to take advantage of her she would think there was something wrong with him.

She was walking back towards him and then flung her arms around his neck. "Alec, I meant it you know, I want you to take me to bed," she said as she reached for the zip of her dress, unsuccessfully and huffed, turning around and saying, "would you?" to him.

He knew he shouldn't, this would lead to all kinds of complications and she would hate him tomorrow and they really would have a bust up in front of Gemma. He had to be tactful and let her think she was completely in control and hoped she would fall asleep before anything happened. He was good at finding things out, that's what he did so he could talk Rose out of making a big mistake. It wasn't that he didn't want to, of course he did, she was very attractive and given the right circumstances he wouldn't have hesitated, he'd got women drunk before and taken advantage of them but Rose was different, there was something about her. While he was weighing the pros and cons of taking advantage of her, he found himself unzipping her dress and before he knew it, the dress was on the floor and she was stood with her back to him in her strapless black lacy bra and black matching panties that were almost see through. Not that he was taking notice of course as she turned around, put her arms around him again and kissed him.

What was he supposed to do? Was she just carrying over their little charade from earlier or did she mean it?

"Erm, Rose, did you really mean it when you said you shouldn't have had that extra drink downstairs?" he asked, trying not to make it sound like he wasn't interested.

"Mmm, not really, I can hold my drinks you know." She really could, her Torchwood training came in useful and she'd had her anti-alcohol shot that the Torchwood team got as standard every three months just before she had left, it didn't do to let your enemy get you drunk and you talked about your mission or you gave secrets away with whoever you happened to spend the night with which was why she had also had her birth control shot, not that she had been planning on being in a position to have to put either to the test but she thought Alec was kind of cute – and lonely.

Alec was lonely, no-one had bothered him in Broadchurch – well except Becca and he'd hardly been the pick of the crop at the time, he must have been really more desperate than she was seeing she turned him down – he was on death's doorstep at the time so he supposed he'd deserved being turned down and hadn't dared to ask her again. The whole town probably knew about it.

Rose had begun unbuttoning his shirt while he had been contemplating if she was teasing him or not, this didn't feel like getting teased, her stood in her sexy black underwear, unbuttoning his shirt plus now she was kissing his chest as she unbuttoned every single one and it was definitely turning him on. What Alec didn't know was that Rose had been doing some serious thinking, that and what with her now pretending to be his girlfriend, she decided she may as well play the part for real. There was a tactical side to it all, she had figured he seemed a decent enough man, well mannered, respectable and available, very available and she could do a lot worse and it would keep the locals away from her, what with her being English, she would stick out a mile and get all the local creeps interested in her so if she was with Alec, they would leave her alone.

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