Chapter 8

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Déjà vu for Alec as he meets Carver

Detective Carver was sat at his desk, shaking his head. He clearly didn't think Rose was up to the task and truthfully, neither did she but she was determined to try to help for now, that was what she did, that was what the Doctor loved most about her, her ability to soothe people and talk to them and to be sympathetic. He was leaving all the talking to his colleague, probably because of their staring contest yesterday, the winner not being declared, it had been a tie but he clearly wasn't happy about this. Rose felt sorry for him, this was what it must have been like for Alec when he had arrived in Broadchurch and been confronted with the same situation. She really should get the two of them together, Alec could help him but not with the case.

Detective Miller asked her to gather her things and wait for her, she would take her out to the boy's house after she had finished talking to Detective Carver. Rose nodded and asked if she had time to make a personal call to her boyfriend who had been expecting her back so he wouldn't be worried about her. She was told it was ok so she got her things and went to the ladies room where it was quiet. She didn't quite know how to explain this to Alec because she was bound by Police ethics not to divulge any information about what was going on. All she would be able to tell him was that her services were required on a case. The call to Pete would have to wait.

She dialled Alec's number but there was no answer, she just hoped he wasn't doing something stupid and doing his own investigating if he had already found out. Maybe he was in the shower, no, he'd had one yesterday evening when she had wanted to pull the towel off his waist and jump on him or maybe since she hadn't answered when he'd called, there were two missed calls from him, he was thinking she was already busy. Maybe he'd not heard yet but surely the whole town was talking by now? She put her phone on silent but set to vibrate and finished in the ladies room and went back to her desk. Detective Miller was talking to someone else when Carver came out of his office, a furious look on his face and demanded to know who had released the name of the boy. Miller raised her hand slowly and Carver demanded they went to his office. Rose could tell the two of them didn't see eye to eye but went back to answering her phone and was relieved that Alec had got her office number and had been put through.

"What's going on Rose? Everyone is talking about someone being found on the beach. Tell me it's not true, please Rose, it can't be. If it is, I don't want you involved, come back to the hotel right now Rose, you don't have to do your job, it's not what you came here for really is it? I know there's something more to you so don't try to deny it, you're covering for something and I'm going to find out what it is by asking your stepfather but I want you to get your things and meet me outside in ten minutes or I'm coming in to get you."

He sounded like he meant it, she had never heard him talk like that or ordering her around and wasn't sure if she liked it, coming from him. Sure, as her boss Pete ordered her around but Alec? She had only known him just over a week and now he was acting like a Police detective on her and telling her not to do the job she was meant to do. How did he know there was something she wasn't telling him about her trip here? She had been right, he was a very intelligent man, she wouldn't be able to fool him much longer anyway but for now, she had a job to do until she was relieved of her duties. Pete could pull some strings and get her counterpart back faster than the Police department could. Now she had to face Alec.

"I have to do my job Alec, I'm sorry and I can't tell you anything, you know that. I'd be in serious trouble if I told you but that doesn't alter the fact I'm the only one here qualified. It's what I do Alec, I've been trained for it." She knew people nearby would be able to hear anything she said so she had to be extra careful. As far as anyone else was concerned, she was just telling her boyfriend she couldn't say anything, no-one knew who or what he was.

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