Chapter Seven: How Do You Transport a Giantess?

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Once back in Merrillville, Braedey, Jessie, James, and Naomi were all thinking as to what kind of way would be best suitable to transport a 35ft tall giantess from Creek Landing to Merrillville.

"Well, we can't simply let her walk from one country to another." Braedey deduced. "It's too risky, and thousands of people could see her almost instantly."

"Why not lift her with a big balloon?" Jessie asked innocently.

"Jessie, there's no balloon big enough to carry someone like Diana." Naomi stated to her daughter. "We have to think of something better."

"So, what other ideas can we think of?" James asked.

Braedey began to write up some options on a piece of paper, and he thought about them. Some of the ideas were to hide her inside of a plane, and fly her to Merrillville, or make her a statue to be loaded onto a train. He crossed out the ones that sounded too silly and ridiculous, until there was only one.

"I think there's only one idea that I can think of to transport Diana." Braedey told the others. "We could possibly hide her inside of a truck, and drive her back home."

James cupped his chin in thought, and nodded slowly. "That does sound like a good idea." He said to his son. "Fortunately, I do have a H.G.V license, so that plan could work."

"Great!" Braedey smiled. "Now, all we need is a truck and 40ft long trailer, maybe a double-axle one."

"I'll deal with getting the truck." James reassured him. "You and Jessie should help your mother with Karen."

Braedey showed the most devious and scheming look on his face, and headed off upstairs to help her mother and sister in the spare bedroom. He could tell this is gonna be well worth it to put Karen in her place, and to show her that she can't always do things whenever she wants to.


Another day goes by, and Braedey, Jessie, and Naomi have managed to obtain everything they need to get, and they were ready for Karen's punishment. The two sibling couldn't help by smirk in their most devious way when a mental image of Karen dressed and forced to act like a baby.

With James, he has managed to obtain a semi-truck and trailer, and he got one of the latest model of truck, a Volvo VNL in white. This truck has a Cummins X15 engine, producing around 400-565hp, and 1450-1850 lb-ft of torque. The truck was in factory standard paint of white, along with a white trailer behind it.

The trailer he managed to get is 40ft long, with a double-axle system, and has a refrigeration system built into it

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The trailer he managed to get is 40ft long, with a double-axle system, and has a refrigeration system built into it. After some minor alterations to the trailer's suspension and tyres, the entire box trailer was ready to carry heavier loads than normal, and in addition, the interior had been redone and remade into having the walls, roof, and floor covered and well-protected.

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