Chapter 15

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*Hannah's pov*

Today I was going with Leo, Charlie, overload, and harvey to their meet and greet.

All the boys turned up at the house and then we piled into the van, it is really cramped.

I was pushed up agains leo, which I wouldn't have minded, but I'm still not exactly sure about why I forgived him and if it was the right thing to do.

Andy was on the other side of me and he was laughing for some reason and I don't know why?😂

I tried to scoot over so my butt wasn't exactly pushed up next to Leo but Andy kept pushing me closer to Leo.


We arrived at the meet and greet building in London at 11:45 and we went inside and waited till 1:30 when it started.

The fans we already outside screaming.

When we went past them to get inside, I could already hear some nasty comments from some of the other girls to me, but none of them were too bad.

I could handle it.

We sat inside their dressing room until it started. We decided to play truths.

When it got to me of corse they had to ask me about Leondre.

Ollie asked, "Hannah, are you and Leo a thing anymore?"

"uhhh, no" I said. Why am I disappointed? it's for the better.

*Leo's pov*

We were playing truths and it came to Hannah. I knew they would ask about us. Sometimes I wish they weren't so nosey.

Ollie asked Hannah, "are you and Leo a thing anymore?"

She quickly glanced at me while looking down then responded, "uhhh, no"

I really wish we were.

I have to win her back. And I have to prove that I will never hurt her again. Ever.

*Hannah's pov*

Leo looked hurt. I felt bad. No. I shouldn't feel bad.

Jordi suggested we played dares now.

Charlie looked at me and then he got dared by Jordi: "since Leo and Hannah aren't a thing anymore, I guess this dare won't matter. Charlie, I dare you to kiss Hannah for 8 seconds."

I looked at Charlie and I knew that he didn't want to hurt Leo. I really didn't either. But If I wanted to make them believe I'm not in love with Leo anymore I have to make them believe the kiss.

I looked at Leo. I swear, he was about to cry. I felt really bad, especially cause I still like him.

"Sooo..." jordi said

"Okay" I said, and Charlie and I scooted closer



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