~Gotta Secret, Can You Keep It~

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"Up next to the stage is 'Wallflower Evolution.' On deck is 'Boy Generation.' Come on people get in place," the stage manager yells!

"Alright, everyone get ready! This is a make or break moment, Dad will be pissed that we're here, but he will never deny good talent. That would be 'bad for his reputation!' Now, are you ready ladies," Kayleigh ask?
Across the Pond
"Taking the stage is Matthew Chancellor. On deck is 'One in a Misfit .' You are on now, go go, go," The stage manager prompts the young man.

"Alright, girls! Mom will be pissed when she finds out, but whatever. Let's go out there, have fun, and make her proud anyway. We did not do endless recitals and lessons for nothing," Kelleigh gives everyone a pep talk.

"You know, we could wait another year... Simon will be here next year! There is no way he would deny us! Also, I'm freaking out," Finley whisper-yells. Her sisters try to hide their laughs but can't help it.

"You are crazy, we'll be fine! We're ready now, we've practiced for months, there is no way we could mess up," McKenzie says hugging her sister. "If you want, Oakley can do the solo," McKenzie smirks at the rest her sisters.

"Oh, heck no! I have practiced that for months! That is my solo, Oakley already has a solo anyway," Finley says getting sassy.

"I knew it'd work! Now let's get ready, go line up," McKenzie does a little victory dance.
Back Across the Pond
"Hello la..." Simon starts before looking up.

"Simon, gross! They're children, beautiful, of course, but children," Amanda scolds him.

"I'm sorry. Hello ladies, and what will you be doing today," Simon says straightening his posture.

Kayleigh stifles a laugh at his reaction as Hadleigh speaks, "We're Wallflower Evolution! We're all sisters and we live in London with our father. We haven't met our mother and if we have we barely remember her. Though, it's okay our father is great and our step mom, well, not really step mom he refuses to marry her, but she's splendid," Hadleigh smirks. Simon scowls at Hadleigh's statement.

"So, what did you say your act was," Alicia ask.

"Oh, we didn't say," Beckley states plainly. "Sorry, I'm blunt like my father. We're a band. Our father made sure we were well rounded musically!"

"Well great! Whenever you're ready," David said.

"Heart aches, every word that you say..." the girls start singing. Everyone is captivated by their charm and sound. For as young as they are, they are brilliant! When they had finished singing everyone was in awe and the crowd gave them a standing O!

The first to speak was Amanda, "oh, my! Those lesson sure paid off. Is your father here? I'm sure he is so proud!"

"Yes! He is. Though proud may not be what he is feeling. He's hidden us from the media our whole lives. He's probably pissed," Carley the youngest speaks.

"I think he is very proud! Probably would've loved a heads up first but is proud of his amazing girls," Simon says unwavering, with no emotion. "I think you all sounded amazing it would be irresponsible for us to not let you through. I say yes," he says professionally.

"Well, I have an even better idea," Ant says from back stage sharing a look with Dec.

"I couldn't agree more," Dec responded. They both walked casually out to the stage and down the stairs to the judging panel. When they arrived they looked at the girls and slammed their hands on the golden buzzer. The girls squealed hugging each other, jumping up and down. Simon looked on in complete shock. The first golden buzzer of the season was used for his daughters! Of course they didn't know that, no one knew of their existence except for their family.

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