~Back to You~

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"Hurry up, guys! We need to get going," Paula yells up the stairs!

"Sorry Mom! We're doing our best! Here's Carson, David, Daniel, Reagan and Teagan's bags! Found them still on their beds," McKenzie says running down the stairs before sprinting back up!

"Thank you! I almost forgot those, can you send them down," Paula yelled after her but she was already gone.

"I'll get 'em Mom," Harley says rounding the corner.

"Your already packed," She questioned him?

"Yes," he says running up to grab his younger siblings.


"Hello," Paula says answering the phone?

"Hello darling! I have to make this quick we're about to take off again, but make sure you and the children look nice! I have a surprise," Simon says quickly.

"Umm, okay... can you give me a hint," Paula giggles, walking into her office so no hears.

"No, but you can laugh some more. I miss that sound," Simon flirts.

"Shut up," Paula laughs.

"Aww, there it is," Simon smiles to himself.

"Wipe that smile off your face, Cowell," Paula smirks.

"Alright, well get the idea of punching me when you see me out of your head," Simon laughs.

"I was not thinking th-" Simon cuts her off.

"Yes you were! But it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow! Remember look nice, the children as well," Simon says. "Oh, and I love you!"

"Love you too, Si," Paula smiles herself.

"I can't wait to see you," Simon says sweetly.

"I thought you were hanging up," Paula giggles.

"No, I just wanted to say I love you," Simon flirts.

"Simon," Paula sighs.

"Paula," Simon says back.

"You know what I mean," Paula huffs.

"I know! I'm sorry, Paula. Though, I can't lie to myself or you! Lauren, the press, it's easy, I don't care about them," Simon sighs. "I love you, I'm in love with you! I need to you to say it back! I know it's hard, You keep getting hurt, I keep hurting you, but I love you," Simon says.

"I love you too, Si. I'm in love with you, have been since the beginning," Paula sniffles.

"Are you crying darling," Simon ask genuinely concerned?

"Yes, but I'll be fine," Paula wipe's her tears.

"Sweetheart, please don't cry! Wait till I'm there to hold you and comfort you," Simon says causing Paula's tears to fall harder.

"Don't you get it! That's why I'm crying! You're never just gonna be mine, I'm always going to come second to your career and favorite flavor of the next few months or years! This one will stick around longer because she has your child, which she's naming after your father! And apparently you've already been together since 2009, according to the tabloids, which means my last season of idol when the boys were born you were already shagging her," Paula says tears streaming down her face rapidly.

"Paula! Stop, you know most of what they put in the tabloids isn't true! I mean, hell, they said you were shagging Ryan one time," Simon argues back.

"You said most..." Paula loses her voice.

"What was that darling?"

"You said most," She says clearer. "You usually say nothing in tabloids is true until proven otherwise," Paula tears dry up.

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