~A Hard Days Night~

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"McKenzie," Simon says sternly.

"No! You do not parent me," McKenzie argues crossing her arms.

"Kenz," Kelleigh glares at her. McKenzie huffs and rolls her eyes.


"I want to know! Tell us," Kayleigh says. "She's right! It's not fair! None of this is fair! If you had split us differently we'd have different lives completely! They get to go to school, have friends, do activities, and date! We stay at home, we have no friends, we don't get to leave the house unless it with Dad! It's not fair! None of this is fair! You decided that it was what's best but it's not!"

"I agree! She's right! It's not fair, we missed having both parents, having half our siblings! Because you guys decided that it was what's best," Kelleigh says stepping in front of the group.

"I think we should all just take a breathe, you know. Everyone's a bit heated. No ones thinking clearly because we're all tired. Lets go back to bed, pick this all up later when we've all actually gotten some decent rest," Lindsey smiles trying to keep her anxiety in check.

"I like her! She's smart! All this confrontation is giving me palpitations! I'm gonna freak out and you'll have to take me to the hospital, do you want everyone finding out your relationship because of my anxiety attack," Marley's breathing wavers.

"If you don't wanna be apart of this, you can go upstairs," Beckley snaps.

"Oh hell no! Who do you think you are? You do not talk to our sister that way! You might be the trouble maker in England, but you don't act that way with us in our house," Oakley says getting in her face.

"Oakley, stop! We're all family, but I think Lindsey's right temperatures are rising and we should reconvene later," Kayleigh says stepping in between them. "I know for a fact that I'm seriously tired, I assume that everyone else is as well. Let's just go to bed, that's enough excitement for one night!"

"Yeah, let's go everyone! Up to bed! We can all start fresh after we've had a few more hours of sleep," Paula says hopping up off the couch with David and Daniel. "Si, you can sleep in the boys room. They're sleeping with me tonight!"

Simon nods and everyone rushes up the stairs to their respective rooms. Simon follows Paula down the hall to the boys room and smiles walking in. Paula turns to walk to her room when Simon emerges laughing, "Paula, you're hilarious! You wouldn't fit in those beds let alone me. You really expected me to sleep in there?"

Paula shrugs, "would you rather sleep on the couch, or in the old house? Because you're welcome to, honestly, if it gets you away from me and keeps you out of my bed, I'm all for it!"

"Mommy, we's tired," David fusses.

"We just sweep in our beds," Daniel says as they both wiggle their way out of her arms. Simon smiles as the boys run past him into the room shutting their door.

"You've got room in bed now," Simon smirks.

"I said no," Paula says turning on her heels walking to her room. Simon follows her all the way to her room and stands at the door as she walks in, "Simon you have a girlfriend, and I'm done being your lap dog!"

Simon smirks at her comment, "don't be confused loved, French Poodles are not lap dogs! They're the ones you take to shows and they win the best awards! You really wanna show them off!"

Paula scoffs at him, "really? Are you serious right now? When have you ever showed me off? When have you ever introduced me as your wife to anyone besides your family," she glares at him.

"Well like with any dog, before the dog show you have to train them first," Paula scoffs at him throwing the door in his face but he catches it and follows her in the room.

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