~Where do the Broken Hearts Go~

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"Paula! I just don't understand! What happened," Ryan said harshly, slamming his fist on the table.

Paula rolls her eyes trying to hold on to her sanity, "Ryan, you should've expected this. He's their father, he's my husband. I can't do this with you anymore!"

"Yeah, I'll see you when he breaks your heart again, except this time I'm done!"

Paseos smiles sweetly, "oh, honey! You think you're so special! I'm not just going back to him for one, and I was not just with you because I'm desperate! I mean, but let's be honest, you've been pining after me since the first season of idol and what was that like thirteen years ago?"

"Wow, P! That's low, like below the belt," Ryan feigns hurt!

"Oh, but baby, I'm being nice! I could start treating you like Simon, talking about you being gay and wearing heels and panties," Paula smirks, scrunching her nose!

"Paula, this is stupid! I asked you to this really nice restaurant.... I thought you were finally done with him, that it would finally be us," Ryan shakes his head leaning back in his seat. He chuckles bitterly, "I was planing on proposing! I should've known it was only a matter a time before you went soft on him! Hell, you were wearing your wedding ring again. I mean, he gave up a slut for you, but the fact that he was with the slut in the first place should speak volumes!"

Paula gasp, taking the ring box from him and looking at the beautiful dainty ring inside, "Ryan... I'm so sorry," she tries, holding back tears! "I hate doing this to you, because I always feel like a jerk! You deserve so much more," she says handing back the ring.

"Keep it," he sighs. "I love you, Paula! You're one of my best friends! I know I shouldn't hope for us to work, because your heart still belongs to him and always will! You really are 'forever his girl," Paula giggles wiping her tears. "I'm sorry for getting angry with you! I want you to keep the ring, not because I love you, but because if you keep it, I know we can still be friends!"

Paula sighs, smiling lightly, "Thank you Ryan! I love you too, but you know, as just a friend," Ryan chuckles shaking his head. The couple finished lunch talking like the friends they always were and always will be, unknowing to the paparazzi that have taken many pictures, of the encounter!
"Paula! Paula! Is it true that you're going to marry Ryan Seacrest?"

"Paula? Are the two groups related? Is Simon their father?"

"Paula! Paula!"

Paula hops in the back of the car as quickly as possible finally catching her breath, "What the hell were you think?"

Paula looks up and sees him sitting across from her typing furiously on his phone, "I don't kno-"

"You don't know? You don't know? What do you mean you don't know? You drop the kids off at preschool, wanting to get caught! The girls threw the competitions, for what," he breathes ferociously? "How the hell did you not think this through! Dammit, Paula, and on top of it, you were going to break up with Seacrest and now your engaged!" Paula breathes deeply, trying not to cry. Afraid to speak, knowing that if she does the tears will fall, without permission, "speak, Paula!"

"What do you want me to say? You've already made up your mind! The girls came up with the idea on their own. Did I try to stop them? No," she yells, as the driver rolls up the partition. "You weren't supposed to be dragged into this, and this was supposed happen slowly! But you saw the report about my date with Ryan and had a freaking come apart in London! So technically, this is your fault," Paula breathes. "If you hadn't freaked out then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"If you hadn't decided to let the red world know about our kids we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"If you hadn't walked away in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess, but here we are."

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