Chapter IV

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Shockwave continued to work silently on his projects, eradicons, drones that can fly. He was in charge of making the drones after all. He put his hand out and a tool was placed in it. He simply continued to work, paying no mind to the drone who handed it to him.

“D-8311, the temperature of the new project.” ordered the scientist to his personal drone.

“758 degrees above the required levels, sir.” answered D-8311, Shockwaves personal drone. A drone created from the spark of a real cybertronian. An abomination in most’s optics.

He created this drone with a seeker new spark found in a pod that crashed outside, and he saw this as an opportunity for a new type of drone, one made to last. Yes, it was cruel to put a seeker spark in a grounder, and yes, it’s a possibility for the inferior body to eventually reject the spark. After all, a real spark is too powerful to be held in a drone’s body, and the drone’s body is unable to hold a real spark. Either the body will burn out, or the spark will fade. Both have a 49% chance of happening. The other 2%, is the spark and body finding an equilibrium, and the spark constricting on itself and becoming the equivalent of an artificial spark.

Those possibilities mean nothing, they will take many forms before it even starts to happen, and drones naturally have short lifespans in time of war. They will be offline before anyone can suspect anything.

He looked over the drone as it continued to clean the lab. His most interesting experiment so far, until he must turn it over to Megatron, by then his research should be complete, and if not, he has set specific programming in his core. One, to obey him, Shockwave, over all others, just in case. Two, to have a processor wipe when it finds out about its origins, can’t have it knowing it isn’t a real drone. Three, to always recognize me as its one and only creator.

It is a very thought out plan to prevent its discovery, and if it does get discovered, if someone does find out and tries to prohibit his new experiment. It will simply shut down, permanently.


Knockout sighed as they finally stabilized and repaired D-8311. With nothing else left to do but wait for them to wake up, he leaned against his assistant and gets led back to their berth room to rest after a long cycle of work.

Unbeknownst to the tired medics a certain communications officer was waiting for this and entered the med bay to begin his plan. Soundwave locked the doors and told his symbiote, Laserbeak, watch the halls while he worked.

Soundwave looked over the drone, memorized all the details, dents, scratches, anything to tell this drone from all the others. As he was analyzing the drone as he plugged in one of his wires into the base of their neck and began to reprogram them.

It was going smoothly, changing the settings, giving basic commands, follow the orders of all the higher-ups, don’t talk unless spoken to, never disobey, all the basic settings all drones are given. With one new addition to the chain of command, placing himself on the top.

When he tried to do this an error occurred. Invalid user. He was shocked to see that he wasn’t the first to do this. He settled for putting himself under this mystery user, still the highest chain of command, until he finds the mystery user. It’s obviously not Megatron or Starscream. They have no knowledge on the drone and Starscream will have a processor crash if he knew who it really was. No, it was someone else. He began to search through the drones processor looking for evidence on who this user is. Not only is the lack of memories making it hard to find this out, but the extensive security of its coding is making it hard to breakthrough.

Wait, he knew this programming, this wasn’t coding defenses, this was built in. There is only one Decepticon skeptic enough to build the defenses within the frame rather than just the processor. Shockwave.

Soundwave unplugged himself from the processor. He needed more information before he can attempt to hack the frame. He’s a hacker, not a scientist or a medic. It helped and hurt that the Decepticon lead scientist wasn’t here, potentially deadly. It helps as now he has the highest command on the drone, it hurts because he has the blueprints on the drones frame. He needs time to think about this. He quickly leaves the room, closing the door on his way out.

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