Chapter 4

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I woke up earlier the next morning because I wanted to get some target practice in. If I keep practising I bet I could get a shot on another one of those creatures like I did yesterday, with no sweat. I grabbed my bow and arrows and walked outside into the forest. It was starting to get colder and colder, soon it would be winter and I would have to start collecting firewood for the fireplace that sat cold and stiff in the abandoned house I sleep in. I made my way to the wooden targets I had set up in the middle of the woods.

Once I got there, I was ready to start practice. I loaded up my bow with arrows, pulled back the bungee cord that I used to shoot my arrows, and let go. The arrow hit the target smack dab in the centre. Despite the freezing cold winter air making my lips chapped and my teeth chatter, I smiled warmly at my perfect shot. I kept practising on the large wooden targets for about half an hour or so, then I moved to smaller tin cans set up on a fence post. I did that for about another half an hour, then I packed my bow and arrows up and started walking home.

As I was almost to the house I heard a very strange sound up above me. I thought that it was probably just the wind, but I looked up just to check. My mouth dropped as I saw a big black helicopter fly above me, it's propellers slapping the air. I started to scream and shout, trying to get the pilots attention. Then suddenly, one of the large creatures sprang through the trees and landed on the helicopter. The helicopter gave a loud boom, as it exploded in the air. The helicopter then slowly fell to the ground and exploded in a large ball of fire.

I stared in horror at the burning helicopter, that was completely wrecked, the dead pilots, burned down to just skeletons sitting in the cockpit, and the largest creature I had ever seen, it was exploded to bits, the thing was by far larger than the helicopter it had taken down. Realizing that there may be valuables inside the helicopter, I ran inside and grabbed the fire extinguisher that was safely kept put away in the kitchen. I ran back outside and ran over to the fire, quickly before anything could get majorly burned. After extinguishing the large bursting flames, I let it cool down a bit, then I crawled inside the small space and looked for any valuables.

I found a med kit, it had a bandage wrap, some rubbing alcohol, and some Ibuprofen. I also found some beer, but I wasn't interested in that. But, the one thing that I found most interesting was a little girl hiding in the back, looking at me with those gosh darn puppy eyes... 

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