Chapter 6

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Elizabeth and I woke up early in the morning and we got some breakfast, and by breakfast, I mean a small pack of fruit gummies. "What will we be doing today?" asked Elizabeth, her eyes looking somewhat filled with anxiety. "What do you mean??" I asked, with confusion. "Well, you know...what exercises will we be practicing today?" Elizabeth said, insistently. "I have no idea what you are talking about..." I said, shrugging. "Oh, right...sorry...I forgot..." Elizabeth said her forehead in the palms of her hands. "It's just that whenever I was over at Warren Side, we would always do these crazy exercises in the morning. It would be our main social gathering time, for all the kids everywhere." She said, looking at what seemed to be thin air.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, I will never be able to imagine what life was like living in Warren Side. But, I'm going to try and comfort you as much as I possibly can." I replied, patting her on the shoulder. She looked up at me with those gosh darn puppy eyes again, and I suddenly felt that I needed to get some fresh air. So, I walked outside and sat on the porch and thought to myself for a while. I knew that it couldn't possibly be, but I felt as if I had seen those puppy eyes so many times before. But, I knew that no matter how much I thought I knew who it was, it could never actually be them.

After a while, I felt the porch swing I was sitting on swing slightly. I looked over and saw Elizabeth looking at me, with a small child's smile. I motioned for her to move and sit close beside me, so she scooted over and leaned her head on my shoulder. We sat there for a while, but we didn't say a word to one another, we just sat there and thought about life. After about twenty minutes I got up and told Elizabeth that we needed more food and that she should stay here inside, while I went to the abandoned store and got some food. It took a while of arguing and begging but I finally convinced her to stay at home...or at least I thought I had convinced her...

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