Chapter 14

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Okay, so now we're going back into Elizabeth's point of view you guys...

After all of the children had eaten their lunch the adults told them that it was getting late and they need to go to their dorms. So, I followed Puke to a large room with five beds, two bunk beds and a small cot on the floor. I watched as Kitty climbed up to the top bunk, Shadow climbed the other top bunk, and Boss got on the bottom bunk beneath Shadow. "You sleep there, where our old roomie used to sleep," Puke told me, as he pointed to the cot on the floor. Puke then gave me a harsh pat on the back as he climbed to the bottom bunk beneath Kitty.

I sighed as I settled in my uncomfortably hot cot, and pushed the small blue blanket provided to the side, as I was burning up in this awful place. The next morning I was woken up very early, as Puke and Boss shook my cot from side to side screaming in my ear. I slowly woke up and wiped the crust from my eye. I crawled out of my cot to the locker room where we would now take cold showers and get ready for the day. After the showers were finished we heard a lady yelling briskly in the hallway with a loud high pitched voice. "Get up everyone! We're starting to assemble in the cafe for our breakfast!" the woman said. I recognized that voice, I knew who it belonged to. Just as that thought popped into my head, Ms Martha showed up in our dorm doorway, motioning for us to hurry up and get to the cafe.

After, my roommates and I were finished getting ready for the day we all followed the other kids into the large cafe that we had eaten lunch in yesterday. My group got in line for the disgusting slop they would be feeding us that fine morning. Once I got up to the first lunch lady, she plopped some blue gooey substance onto my tray I looked down at it pitifully but continued on. After getting more slops of colours splattered onto my tray I went to sit down with Puke, Kitty, Shadow, and Boss. Puke scarfed down his food quickly, even though he probably had no idea what was in it. Kitty was busy flinging her food from her plastic spoon at some kids across the room to notice Shadow stabbing his food repeatedly with a knife. Boss just went over to the trash can and threw his food away, with a disgusted look on his face, I then assumed he was quite the germaphobe. I just sat there and didn't touch my food, if that's what you could call it, not even once.

As promised Puke lived up to his nasty nickname and ran over to the large trash can Boss had just thrown his food away into and barfed up all of the gooey blue substance that he had just eaten. After breakfast was over we all gathered outside in a large spread of dead grass for training time. Our colonel was very strict he was very tall, and his name was Colonel Pine...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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