Chapter 12

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Okay, you guys, so I got bored of writing in Elizabeth's point of view, so now I'm writing back in Carols point of view! I will probably switch again soon but not this chapter!

I woke up in a different room from my hospital room, it was darker and scarier in the room I was in now. I looked around and saw a metal cart pushed a little far away from me. I craned my neck to try and see what was on the cart, and I saw a lot of needles and scalpels. I looked over to my other side and I saw a door, that was cracked open the tiniest bit, but no light shone through it from the hallway. All was quiet as well, I did not hear even the slightest peep from the hallway. I assumed the nurses, doctors, and patients were all asleep at the moment. So, it must have been really late. I looked down to see that I was lying on a large leather dentist like examination chair. It was set to lean back all the way at the moment, then I tried to get up. But, I felt something tug and rub against my wrists. I looked down to see that there were leather straps on my wrists connecting to the chair.

I frantically tried to escape them but, it was no use they were pulled tightly around them. I guessed whoever put me here might have guessed I would try to escape again. I then suddenly heard a snap and a large light that I didn't even notice was above my head, shone white bright blinding light into my face. It took me about five minutes to adjust to the new light, then I began to hear footsteps walk towards me. I looked over to see a tall man wearing a long white coat and blue scrubs beneath. He was also wearing a blue mask over his mouth, a blue hair net, and a pair of safety goggles over his dark brown eyes.

"Hello, Carol..." the man said, towering above me. "Who are you? Where am I? And what have you done with Elizabeth?" I demanded, still struggling to get loose from the straps on the chair. "I am Doctor Pine, you are in the examination room, and I have no idea where your friend is..." Doctor Pine said, walking over to a large machine that was beeping by my side. After, glancing at the machine, he walked over to a small desk with a computer sitting on it. He pulled something up on the computer, and he began typing something up.

I then felt a sharp pain shoot into my neck, and I looked over to my side and saw an IV that had been stuck into me, it had some sort of green liquid shooting into it. The pain that it was causing me was tremendous, and I eventually blacked out. I woke up still in the examination room, and my neck was really sore from the IV. I looked around, trying to make sure that Doctor Pine wasn't still there. I looked down and saw that my wrists were still latched onto the chair. My knuckles had turned completely white because of how much I was gripping the chair when the IV stuck into my neck.

I called out for Elizabeth, but no reply. I then heard footsteps coming from behind me, and I panicked. I noticed the cart had been knocked a little further towards me now, and I reached out as far as I could for something sharp on it, I finally managed to grab a pair of scissors. I cut the straps off of my wrists and hopped quickly off of the chair. I whipped around and stabbed someone. I heard a shrill scream come from, a nice looking blonde lady that had been sneaking up on me. While I still had the chance, I rocketed out of the "examination room".

The person that I had stabbed ran after me, and I realized if I couldn't run, I had to fight. So, I whipped around ready to start throwing punches. But, I realized that the person was just a nurse, and though she was gushing blood out of her eye, she didn't seem scared at all. For some reason, her calmness began to calm me. I had no idea why, but I crouched down and set the pair of scissors down on the ground and couldn't stop apologizing.

"It's okay..." the nurse said, as if she was reading my mind, "there's no need to apologize, I'm completely fine." the nurse said. I looked up and realized that she had taken her "bleeding" eyeball out of her socket. My eyes were wide with horror and shock, my mouth gaping open like a huge black hole. "Not to be rude, lady, b-but your eye is out of its socket!" I exclaimed as I kept rudely staring at it. "I know, follow me will you?" the nurse said, staring down at me with one good eye and the other gaping socket.

For some reason her calmness in this situation, made me feel like I could trust her. So, I reluctantly got up off the ground, leaving the scissors behind, blindly followed her back into the examination room. She sat down on the chair I had just escaped from and motioned for me to sit on the swivel chair next to it. I sat down, as I watched her pull a black eyepatch out of her white coat pocket. She put the eyepatch over her head and pulled it over her empty eye socket. "Here you can have it, this one's not strong enough anyway," she said, handing me her eyeball. I shook my head, and awkwardly smiled, even though I was super grossed out.

The nurse snickered to herself, "It's fake, I lost my real eyeball in a fight with a creature a long time ago, sweetie." the nurse said, chuckling to herself. "Oh, so that's why you were so calm when you got stabbed in your "eye"?" I asked, sarcastically, "I kind of figured that out myself when I saw you pull out that handy eyepatch." I finished. The lady had long, straight, blonde hair, tan skin, she was pretty tall, and of course her missing eye. She was wearing a long white doctors coat, blue scrubs beneath, and red converse. I then noticed that her good eye was, cold, blue...

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