the street

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neon colors flashed before her eyes as she walked down the wet sidewalk; it was pouring rain, but in this city, no one cared anymore. the dingy souvenir shops, with their barred windows and worn carpet, seemed like the best sanctuary for travelers. alas, no travelers came here anymore.

her tall black boots created harsh ripples in each deepening puddle. the metal buckles on the sides were getting ruined because of it, but she couldn't care less. she had somewhere to be, and her days of admiring the crystal clear reflections of the blinding neon lights in the water of the city that was never dry were long gone.

her many trophy ear piercings shook and clinked in the rainy wind, a familiar sound that reminded her of what each one stood for as they proceeded to get tangled with her luscious brown hair which fell just above her shoulders. with her hands diving even deeper in her leather jacket pockets as the gentle yet fierce wind began to pick up, she turned on her heel abruptly to confront the hooded figure that had been following her the past three and a half blocks.

standing in silence, the girl, only about 15 years old but no stranger to the several dangers and crazies of this place, adjusted her fishnet gloves, clearly prepared for a fight. her stalker reluctantly took his thickly gloved hands out of his dark trench coat pockets and raised them up beside his covered face, a clear sign that, unlike her, he did not wish for a scuffle.

but she did not buy the cheap act for even a second. the first rule around here was that no one was truly innocent. everyone in this busted up, run down excuse of a city has, at some point in their lives, seen the true horror of what monstrosities really ran the place, with the girl and the man here no excuse.

she glared at where his eyes would be if they were not under his hood, and she could feel his gaze right back. a shiver went up her spine. from that one interaction, her nerves were pulsing with new information about the threat. she had been told she was powerful among her kind. but this person, if they even fit under the "human" category, from what her senses were telling her, was far more agile, skilled, and trained.

"what do you want with me." the girl growled as she raised her scarred fists, each injury a memory of previous (and victorious) battles.

the man only chuckled in reply, arms dropping slightly. a tense moment passed, and as she prepared her mind and body for what was going to come about herself, her senses spiked. she heard the rainwater on the long empty street draining into the sewers below her. she could see the wind pass around her and the man, making his coat flutter ever so slightly. colors took on a different hue, more vibrant yet subtle, and with one last clench of her fist, she awoke.

the man did the same, yet since he was more powerful, he did not have to take so much time. they opened their new eyes, ready for a battle in the heart of the city of freaks just like them. the whites of their eyes seemed gray compared to the new bright yellow star that took the place of the iris just seconds before; and, with the thrum of energy coming from the thought to be abandoned city that was evacuated because of nuclear fallout all those years ago,

they started the battle.

Word count: 603

it's past midnight

random writing stuffsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang