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k3n felt weightless.

he felt the small bubbles rising through the thick gel and swirling around his porcelain skin. he could feel his snow white hair tickle the sides of his face and down his body where it coiled around him, almost reaching the bottom of the tank. the numerous tubes didn't bother him anymore though, as he was so used to them. but, once in a wile, k3n's hand would brush against the curved glass encapsulating him, and then he would really feel something— a punishing shock.

although k3n was usually more than halfway unconscious wile he was in the tank, he didn't mind it. the only thing he didn't like was when he moved too much and the people outside decided to lock up his joints. when that happened, he'd thrash and scream as much as he could before they threatened to pull some of his hair. k3n knew they'd never do that, though. he was too precious to torture that much.

k3n could feel when he was going to be taken out. the people outside would slowly give him back his senses. he would gradually be able to feel more bubbles on his skin, and even on the mechanical parts of his hands and feet. he'd start taking deeper breaths, like a real human. then, something inside him would click back into place, and he'd be pulled out.

no matter how many times they brought him out, it was still jarring. he'd go from a senseless entity to an almost human with sharpened senses and acute reflexes. a stream of text would be loaded across his vision, and with the help of the people outside, he'd be readied up for another mission.

no matter how they dressed him or pulled or poked or prodded him, they never touched his hair. and k3n never opened his eyes. he'd move, but only as instructed. he didn't speak, for there was no need. he'd only be given "freedom" once he was deployed for the mission.

when he was deemed ready, he'd be left in a desolate area and then given control over the rest of his body armed with nothing but himself to complete the task.

only when this happened, he'd open his eyes and reach his consciousness through the roots of his scalp to the tips of his hair, and everything would feel natural again.

they were always monitoring him, seeing his thoughts and watching his progress, which k3n learned the hard way. once, while on a mission, he thought about something that must have been too human. the mission was immediately terminated and he was shut down on the spot. when he woke up, he felt the remains of electric shocks pulsing painfully through the human parts of his veins.

however, there was a secluded part of k3n's brain that he kept away from the outside people. it was a safe corner he had created in his own head where he could reap the benefits of a faulty program and think, truly think, and be free in a mind that was supposed to be his. but most importantly, he could reap the benefits of an unnoticed fault in his artificial code;


when k3n was on missions, he saw things he would never be able to understand otherwise. he had a strict set of rules that did not allow for exploration or any kind of rogue thought, for that matter. but k3n was different. k3n wanted to know why the people in the real world weren't living in tanks like his. he wanted to know what they were doing when they touched hands or lips. he wanted to know everything, from the life cycle of a pointless insect to why he sometimes saw small humans cradled in the arms of bigger ones. he desperately longed to join them, live a life like theirs, although it seemed a bit pointless. but k3n couldn't help but be fascinated by it all. he wanted to be part of it, too.

after countless missions and a lifetime of longing, he finally earned the trust of the outside people had the opportunity to go on a mission where he would truly be "free." no monitoring his progress or tracking his every move. in order to successfully complete the mission at hand, stealth was completely necessary.

necessary for k3n to escape, that is.

word count: 729

it's 4 am, this took me about an hour. not my best work, but oh well

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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