YulHan (Yuri meets Luhan)

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Yuri's POV


Mom,Dad im going to school now bye! *i said with a hurry and grab some bread*

Ok honey,see you soon!! *Mom said while cooking*

Go home early dear!!* Dad said watching T.V* you want to know why dad is watching T.V well i know why he has a day off that day.>"<

Yeah! i know dad *i said while eating a bread *

then i stand up after i finish my bread and hurried for school.

While i was running i bumped into a boy and i have to admitte it he is cute.....back to the story..

So i bumped him and see who it was..

Umm? Ah! sorry im super sorry ,Are you alright?*i asked while helping him to back up *

Ah! Oh! yes , Im alright ,you? *he ask while holding his head and look to the ground* i know that he's blushing..

Oh !, im alright ,dont worry about me i'll be fine*i said with a smile*

he then look at me and i stare on his eyes ...

he's eyes are sparkling , he is so handsome Wait,What? *i thought to myself wile looking at him*

Oh! by the way Im Byun Yuri nice to meet you*i said to him while i led my hand to him with a smile*you notice that yuri is byun right well baekhyun and i are just step sister and brothers,by the way back to the story

Luhan's POV

Oh! by the way Im Byun Yuri nice to meet you*she said while she led her hand*

wait is she baekhyun's sister *I thougth while looking at her hand*

Oh! uh! um! im Luhan nice to meet you * i said while shaking her hand*

Wanna be friends ? *she said while looking at me*

I blushed at what she said and she is so different from other girls, Wait,What?!!

Sure!Why not , but first i need to ask you something ..*i said with a curious look*

Ok sure! Why not! anything you want friend*she teased *

I blushed and look at her..

OAhh! are you Baekhyun's sister?  *i said to her while waiting her answer with a aigoo*

Yuri's POV

I giggled at Luhan's aigoo ,he is so cute i want to pinch his cheeks

I pinch his cheeks and and said "Yes" ,*and giggled*

Oh ! *he said while looking at his watch ,blushing*

Ahh! Oh no! were gonna be late for school!*he said with a suprised look*

The he took my hand and we started to run, I was so shocked of what had happened

and we arrived at school in no time .

phew!!that was close*i said while wiping my sweat*

I can see that his looking at me...

So see you at recess*he gave me a wink and left*

To Be ConTinued  >"<

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