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Hey nice of you guys to join me in reading my story on how i met these weird skeletons and my traits let's start! so, i live in a castle my has been around for a long time there was my mom and dad and my three sisters. the oldest was my twin rose she is 24 that means me and her are 24 though she's older by one second, the next one is Tulip she is the second born she is 18 she's into fighting she usually likes to challenge me and my traits a lot, the last one is Iris she is the youngest and is a cinnamon roll she is only 17 she is really nice and well can be a devil on accident but we know she doesn't mean it. they live in their own castles but we hang out sometimes and our mom and dad join on holidays   so yeah and I've got my traits i can make them real so i won't get lonely and let my evil traits take full control that wouldn't be good. anyway, now that i told you guys this i'll get to the story!   

Au sanses x read(traits added)Where stories live. Discover now