chapter 8

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(Hmm... so that's what wita, shade, and I are looking for huh) Flower said mentally to me after listening on the conversation 'yup think you guys can figure out what's going on?' I thought back to her as I watched the four skeleton's talk about what they were doing before they got here (o course we'll figure it out) Shade suddenly said mentally scaring me a bit as I felt them go back to work "so~ since we're here can we go outside?" Lust questioned us as we started thinking "maybe but we haven't tried since when Ink and Error came it was late at night and I was trying to get back to my movie marathon but instead I fell asleep after they came" I said as I got up and started walking to the backdoor with the four of them following me. When we got to the backdoor we started thinking about who should go "hm Ink you go first" I said pushing him to the door gently as I heard Error snicker a little "What! Why me! Why not Error or swapFell or Lust?!" Ink asked me as swapfell rolled his eyes [hi so I'm not too sure if that's what they're called I heard their called pinpricks so can someone in the comments tell me if this is correct or not thank's!] and unlocked the door and opened it quietly as Ink was facing me at the moment "Ink Lust and swapfell just got here and I feel like Error would attack me or something else so your the only one I trust not to attack or complain to me" I said and pushed him out the door gently watching as he regained his balance and looked around my backyard "Wow! Your backyard is so big and colorful!" Ink said in awe as me, Error, Lust, and swapfell went and joined him.

Hey, guys I know it's short but I'm sick and this took a while to make so sorry but I hope you guys liked it! goodbye my magicians        

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