His smile

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He's so handsome. His gorgeous hair and his perfect skin. My favorite colors... He's perfect. But he'll never want me, a sad, lonely, depressed troll with no future. I have colors, but they mean nothing to me. I hate parties, I don't go out. What's there to love? But the way he looks at me, oh god the butterflies never go away. His smile, it can destroy rainbows with a single smirk. and his eyes, oh lord his eyes. The most beautiful shade of royal blue. I'm sitting on the bench across from him. Watching him mingle with his friends. He keeps glancing at me and smiling, yet he doesn't come over to me. He pulls out his phone and I watch as he types so fast I can hardly handle the perfection. Suddenly, I get a text; 'unknown number:  Hey y/n, meet me at the bathrooms.'  Who was it from? I glance up to see Branch flex his muscles and head to the bathrooms. Coincidence?  I walk there as well, only to see him up against a wall, crossed arms, smiling. 

"Hey y/n." He says softly. 

"Hello Branch..." I say, shaking as he waves for me to come closer. I walk to him and only then does he make a move. He stands tall, uncrosses his arm, and grabs my hand only to pin me on the wall. 

"I saw you staring at me." He says in a firm tone. "You got beef or just a crush?"

"Neither," I say quickly. "I'm looking at your friends."

"My friends were next to me, not on me." He says, giggling softly after.

His vest is half open and I can't help but look down. I was embarrassed, but what I saw was worse. I felt my face turn blood red. Calvin Klein, huh? sexy...  "oh my god.." I say out loud. 

"What's wrong?" he looks down at where I'm looking and quickly put his hand in his pocket. 'did he just deliberately push down his shorts more??'  Without word we make eye contact and he smiles.  He soon then pushes himself off the wall and stands up. 

"I'm just messin wicha," he says with a laugh. "I know you like me, I just don't know why a beautiful girl like you would have a crush on an asshole like me."

"I don't know, your really nice and..." I trail off as he licks his lips.

"And?" he asks.

"And super... hot." I say, scared of what he'll think of me after this.

                                                                        Branch's POV 

She's beautiful. I think to myself as I walk toward her again. And she just called me HOT! I blush as she crouches, probably scared of me since she's so small and there's a guy standing in front of her that's twice her size. 

I lend her my hand to get up and she takes it. Once she's standing I look around to make sure no one is watching. I then gently pull on the bottom of her chin, making her open her mouth. She does nor says nothing as I do this. I close my eyes and place my lips on hers, being careful as she flinches. 

I slowly slide in my tongue and weave it around in her mouth. At this point I'm sure she's nervous. To show passion I let go of her chin and put my hands on her waist. She responds to me by letting out a soft moan. I open my eyes to see a tear roll down her face, she's so scared but I can tell she loves every second of it. I pull out my tongue and let our lips split slowly. She opens her eyes and pushes me away. 

                                                                            Your POV

'OH MY GOD HE KISSED ME'  My mind raced so fast as I push him away.  I didn't mean to push him I was just scared, his friends, I noticed, had left. The party was dying down. I looked past him he walked back and pulled me off the wall. I felt his hand on my ass and jerked up to look at him. 

"Do you want to stay at my place?" He asked. 

"YES! I mean, *cough* yes..." I replied, quickly embarrassed at what I said to him. His offer was very kind, I hated how small my pod was, perhaps staying in his huge bunker with him will do me some good for my anxiety. 

"Thank you very much for letting me stay with you Branch." I tell him as we walk to his place. "You're a very good kisser by the way..." I mumble. He looks down at me with his glowing eyes.

We soon reach his place, time fly's when you're talking about everything that's ever happened in your life. I feel like I know him more than ever now... more than I know myself. I feel he can actually make me happy this time. Perhaps he can. Perhaps he can't. All I know is the way he looked at me tells me he has plans for tonight. And I'm excited.

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