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Your POV

I wake up the next morning hot and sore. damn he fucked me good. I slide out of bed careful not to wake him up and head to get dressed and take a shower. I just put on the clothes Branch had set on the vanity for me last night, and walk into the kitchen to find him awake.

"Well good morning beautiful," he says softly. I blush slightly at the comment and head over to him. I snuggle close to him, putting my hands into a soft fist and placing them onto his chest. We stand there and hug for a minute, he sways me back and forth slowly, stroking up the back of my head and rubbing his thumb on my waist.

"Branch..?" I ask shyly, lifting my head to look at him. 

"Yes?" He says back confused but has an oddly understanding look on his face.

"Are we, a thing?"

"Like, boyfriend and girlfriend?"


"I mean, we did just have sex last night, we've been really close for years now and we love each other so-"

"Wait, you do love me?" I cut him off, I didn't know he actually loved me...

"Well of course I do, I'm the one that kinda confirmed all this."


"Sooooo yes. We are boyfriend and girlfriend. If that's okay with you..?"

"Of course it is! I want it to be, that's why I asked."

"Oh okay." He brakes our hug and starts to make us breakfast. We finish eating and go into the bedroom to get dressed. As I begin to pack up my stuff he grabs my wrist "And where do you think your going pretty lady?" I turn to him quickly as he said this, I immediately smirk with the crazy thought in my head. I smack my hand over my forehead and yell "Oh Romeo! You are simply just not the one for me! I mustn't stay, I must leave!" and as he pulls me by my arm to make me come closer, I fake a dramatic struggle to break free, the continue to laugh as he tries tickling me to make me stop struggling. "AH Branch! haha- STOP!!" 

"I'll stop if you do!" he teases.

"OK OK OKAY!!!!" I yell and slap his hands away. I begin to pack up my stuff again and this time he grabs my waist.

"No seriously, where are you going?" I turned to look at Branch and he has a tint of sadness in his eyes. 

"I'm going home, I thought I was-"

"You are home baby. I-I thought?" He cuts me off and looks upset. I drop my bag immediately and hide my face in his chest.

"I'm- I'm home?" I ask shyly. He nods and whispers yes, I hug him tighter and after our moment we start talking truth about the whole situation. After the chat on the bed, I start my walk to my place to pack there. I can't believe I'm about to move in with him. A million thoughts cross my mind as I walk, and because of these awesome thoughts, I'm playing my happy playlist. I haven't touched this list in a few years, I mean, I have my colors and shit but I've never been truly happy, until this point. 

Once I'm to my house I rush to my room and scream into my pillow with happiness. I lay there for a while, processing my life. Once I get up, I play my favorite song (Play above) and push play.

I start in my room, gather my clothes and my decorations and such. I sit at my desk and wonder what I'm gonna do with my furniture. I decided to text Branch on my way home and headed to my bathroom. I stared into the mirror and practiced a smile. wow, didn't know I could dop that. I gathered my makeup, toothbrush, etc. The next stop was the living room. A lot of this was furniture, but I collected my things off the table and my decorations. The kitchen mainly had food, which I figured I'd bring later for Branch. 

Once I had all my necessary things, I headed back. During my walk, I texted Branch;


                                                  Hey babe, what do I do with my furniture?

We can figure something out.

                                                               Like what? I'd bring it to your place?

Something like that. I have plenty of room for 

extra shit, how much you got? ;)

                                                   Lmao, a lot. Mainly little stuff like my desk 

                                                        or my nightstand, stuff important to me.

Ah, I see. Well, I've got the room on your side of the 

bed for your stand, btw you're getting left side😘

                                                                                               You bastard!! 😝

Love you baby, we'll get it later, just come 


                                                          On my way baby,, see you soon<33

See ya<3

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