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Okay, this isn't really related to my book or whatever about me. But hear this out owo

There is currently an IDOLiSH7 one-shot writing contest on Wattpad, hosted by none other than my good friend Kina_97 :3

Yeah, yeah. I've talked about this before on a message, but never on this book. So I digress.

I've been enlisted as a judge for the contest, so I'm promoting the contest here for all you i7 readers and writers out there <3

I've left an external link for you guys to go check out the details of this writing contest, which is a book on Kina's profile. We (the host and the judges) are hoping that we get a lot more participants for the contest, which means more exciting stories to read and judge ^^

The more participants the better, especially since there'll be placements for the "Memorable 12" one-shots and special prizes for the winners ^^

That's right, special prizes! What kind of prizes?

I'll be talking here about the prizes the Top 3 winners get.

The Top 3 will earn slightly more lucrative prizes compared to the Memorable 12. The prizes include their one-shot for the competition being added to a special reading list for the competition, a special badge for their cover and a choice between two special prizes.

The choice for the winner to make is between a digital artwork by yours truly, and a one-shot by another good friend of mine Theia :3 (Yeah, you probably want the one-shot more. My art is uwu lolololol jk)

The deadline is 28th February. A whole month is more than enough time to complete a one-shot, if you ask me.

Hope you guys will consider entering the competition! We'll be waiting :3

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