You're not alone (Chapter twenty-one)

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Check out the new cover photo!!

If you wanna see the full cover photo I have it uploaded to my rusher face book "Kate Schmidt" The cover photo has a photo of all the girls (well the celebrities who play them) please check that out! It's in the album "favourite pics <3"



Five minutes later we were at the hospital sitting in the waiting room with Tori she was sitting on a chair shaking and hugging her knees to her chest. Logan was pacing and frowning at his feet James' jaw was set and he was staring at nothing, Kendall was rubbing his temples. I could tell that all the guys had grown to care about each other already they were all worried about Carlos. I frowned I was worried too but I know Carlos (well not for that long but I know he wouldn't want them worrying and pacing and freaking out because of him)

"this is my fault" Logan said suddenly then he continued pacing, everyone looked at him in confusion "Logie this wasn't your fault! It was Kurt you had nothing to do with this!" Bella said putting a hand on his shoulder he took her hand and pressed his lips together "I told him not to let Kurt go, that we needed him to talk to Steve" his voice was just above a whisper as he choked this out.

"you were right he had to come back this was NOT your fault" Bella said "yeah and how were you supposed to know he had a gun?" James added Logan sighed, nodded and went back to pacing Bella gave him a worried look then went back to her seat watching him.

After what felt like hours a nurse came out of a room "who's here for Carlos Pena?" she asked looking at a clipboard we all stood up she looked a little surprised Tori ran up to her "is he okay? Please tell me he's okay!" she begged. The nurse smiled "his surgery went smoothly the bullet only hit his arm he's okay but will be out of action for awhile he'll have to stay overnight though" she said Tori looked like she didn't know if she was going to laugh or cry.

"thank you can i see him?" she said in a relieved voice "sure he hasn't woken up from the surgery yet but he will any minute now through here please" she walked to a room and Tori followed she hesitated and looked back at us "can someone come in with me please?" she asked in a shakey voice "i will" Kate said getting up and letting go of Kendall's hand.

Kate's P.O.V.

Tori looked so desperate yet relieved she sighed when she got into Carlos' room and sat in the chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand, her eyes were red from crying I looked at the clock it was 2:30 in the morning!! We'd been here for hours.

"I-I...I really thought he was going to die" Tori said quietly I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder "I know but he didn't and he's going to be fine" I said. I looked at Carlos he looked tired but peaceful they'd probably given him painkillers.

"i know I just really want him to wake up soon!" she squeezed his hand I felt so bad for her more tears were rolling down her face there was nothing I could do really except be here if she needed me. We sat in the hospital room for another hour untill Tori said she needed to be alone with Carlos I agreed and went back out to the waiting room Kendall, Logan and Rose were the only ones there.

Logan hadn't stopped pacing he ran over to me when he saw me "how's he looking? the truth please" he said, I looked at him carefully and felt horrible for him he couldn't stop blaming himself "Logan he's going to be fine I promise and it was not your fault" he sighed, I hugged him he hugged me back like he needed it.

When I pulled away I smiled "now where's Bella?" I didn't think she would've left him like this "Logan made her leave" Kendall answered from one of the chairs I looked at Logan "i know what you're thinking but it got really late and i know she hated seeing me blaming myself" Logan said finally sitting next to Kendall on a chair.

I decided to let it go, and was about to go sit with them when I heard someone crying from the hall it was faint and more of a whimper than a cry and it clearly belonged to a young girl, I couldn't stand to hear that sad sound so I turned and followed the sound down the hall. I looked around peeking in rooms here and there but couldn't find the source.

I was about to go back to the waiting room when i saw a flash of blonde hair sitting behind a door I followed the sound of the whimpering over to her and bent down to her level near her. When she saw me she shivered and jumped back "it's okay! don't be scared" I said holding up my hands.

I looked at her carefully, she was really small, she looked only about five or six, she had blonde hair that she had pushed down so it covered her face she had golden skin and features that made her look mexican or spanish her arms were wrapped around her knees and she was wearing one of those hospital gowns and clutching a battered looking fluffy teddy bear to her chest.


So I know Taylor Geare doesn't exactly fit the description of the little girl in the story but she's "playing" her anyway because I couldn't think of someone who would fit it better.

My Cover girlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang