Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Why do I always get involved with things that do not neccesarily concern me anymore?

I am just too nosy for my own good. 

So, here I am on my very first day as a new person in this pathetic excuse of a high-school sat in the office of the principal I have yet to see helping his 'cared for' students. Oh, not only am I not even half way into my first day and stuck here in these uncomfortable office chairs but one of my old tormentors are sat just across the room and I am having to restrain myself from going over there and just swiping that annoying smirk right off of his ugly face. How he thinks he can get away with hurting people is beyond me but I know for a fact that things around here are certainly going to change now that I have arrived. I just couldn't help myself. In the year I spent at home, people always commented on how I stuck up for anybody who I felt was getting unfair treatment and I guess what they said was true. I just couldn't stand by and watch somebody get beaten up by a freaking mutt of all things.

Yes, a mutt. 

Wiley and all of his filthy group of dogs are werewolves. 

Not only that, but, in this whole stinking school there were only four humans excluding myself from that equation and you guessed it. They are the ones who get constantly bullied by the other students in the school. 

I was bullied, beaten and broken because I was supposedly nothing more than a lowly human.

Oh, if only they had known that I was much more than what meets the eye, even if at the time I didn't know it myself. 


Oh, woops?

Sometime during the time I had been lost in my thoughts the principal had been so kind as to show up and I immediately knew why they never got into any trouble for the beatings they administered to the humans at the school. He was also a filthy mutt. Makes sense now I guess, and, I am just making assumptions here based on what I read about werewolf packs, that Wiley was the leader or Alpha guy with Whitney as his beloved and that the principal was of a lower position in the pack hierarchy than him obviously so he couldn't really do anything about the way he treated others not stonger than him but weaker, much much weaker. 

"No, I am not listening to you nor will I be responsible for any of the damages that this moron caused with his selfish actions towards others just because of what they are!"

Call my a freak but I do have anger issues. It's expected really when my Daddy is one of the Kings of Hell and I inherited his temper and fiery nature.  When I called him a moron, something like pain flashed through his eyes and I have to say that I loved it. After all of the pain he and his idiotic leader caused me it felt so soothing to know that I in turn could cause him even a fraction of the pain he has caused me over the years. 

"Young lady, I will not have you speaking about my beta like that! Apologise, this instant!" His eyes started to blacken which made me smirk. Hell, can you blame me! I had managed to irritate him enough in under 10 minutes for his wolf to come out as well as disrespecting the moron, or, to his pathetic self, his beta. 

Is it strange that I am enjoying this so much?


I said it politely, Damien would be so proud of me! I surprised myself by not completely losing my temper the instant he demanded that I do something that I was not willing to do voluntarily.

"I will give you one more chance to apologise Jailean before I do something I think you will regret," was that a threat? I cannot believe that he has the audacity to threaten me when I am not the one in the wrong. 

Stupid arse kissing werewolf suckup.

"I said no the first time and when I say something I mean it!"

His eyes seemed to get even darker and, the next thing I know I am pinned up against the wall with his sweaty forearm pressing against my throat. I was enraged. 

How dare this mutt think he is important enough to lay even one of his dirty fingers on me?!

He truly did not know who he was messing with if he thinks he can touch me in a threatening manner. I wonder if he knows exactly who I am. "What are you going to do about it little girl? I said apologise and I mean apologise! NOW!"

How stupid is this mutt?

I mean, seriously, I said no at least 2 times, what isn't he getting about that? What can be so hard about understanding two little letters that spell the word NO?

I could tell he was not expecting me to be able to pry his arm away from my neck and twist it around his back until he was whimpering in pain like the dog he was. "I SAID NO YOU WORTHLESS MUTT!"

I didn't even give the idiotic lunatic time to recover before I shoved him to the ground and stormed out of the office without even a second glance at a shellshocked Bailee. As soon as I was outside the office I was surrounded by the mutts with my so called friends and family just stood at the sidelines with grins on their faces. 

I was bombarded by a flurry of growls from the females and lustful glances from the unmated males but did I care? NO! If anything I enjoyed it being a succubus but naturally I don't let it show on my face because I hate them all, but, I do have to say half of them weren't half bad looking and the pheremones they were giving off were certainly rather energizing after the long and boring meeting with the principal and Bailee the bastard. 


Again, anger issues, sue me!

I pushed through the crowd, not caring who I bashed into or even if I hurt them because who am I to give two shits about what happens to their pathetic pack. As Damien so politely put it, if the vampires we are here to aid don't come to a settlement with them, they were going to be eradicated anyway so it is really none of my concern if they get harmed in any way at this point. "Can we go home please Damien? I hate it here and to be honest I don't care if they all get killed, not after what I went through at the hands of those dogs!"

Now I know what Damien was talking about when he said after everything they have done to me, I just didn't know they were werewolves at the time. No wonder the physical abuse, the punches, kicks and pushes hurt so damn much with their extra strength. 


Ah, I was wondering when the over egotistical Alpha would make his appearence. Oh the joy, note the sarcasm, of seeing his face after only an excruciatingly short amount of time spent away from the ugliness of it. "Somebody who is not intimidated by you or your pack and will not stand by and watch a pack of idiotic mutts harm innocent humans!"

This time it was Bailee who stepped out of the crowd with his signature smirk plastered all over his face. "Not even if one of the 'mutts' was your mate and it just so happened to be me?"

He has to be lying, I would have felt love if it was true right?


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