Chapter 11: Blast From The Past

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

(Y/n) P.O.V

I found myself leading three girls that came from the Vatican to the church in town. I held onto one of the girl's hands as I told them the directions of the church, it took several minutes for us to arrive. When we went inside, they saw how chaotic it looked from the previous battle that happened a few weeks ago.

?????: "It's quite run-down." the serious girl said.

?????: "Apparently a Devil and a Fallen Angel fought to the death here." the cheerful girl said.

Me: "That is not entirely true. The battle was between a first between a magician and a priest before escalating into a fight between a magician and Devils against a priest and Fallen Angels." I informed them.

?????: "I see! That makes sense, Umu!" the umu girl said.

?????: "How do you know that is what happened?" the serious girl asked.

Me: "I was the magician." I stated.

?????: "Then you work alongside Devils." the serious girl said grabbing the large bandage object on her back.

Me: "He and the Fallen Angels planned to kill a Sister that I befriended. I was not going to allow that to happen." I said to her.

It was clear she intends to attack me neither the less. I was about to form a red knife in my hand only for the cheerful girl to ran between us.

?????: "Hold it! Can we not fight after getting out of the rain? Besides, he just helped us, don't you think God will be ok with us killing if after he did that?" she asked.

The serious girl stared at me for a moment before sighing and place the large object back on her back.

Me: "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is (Y/n) Lazar." I told them.

?????: "Nice to meet you, (Y/n) and thank you for helping us. I'm Irina Shidou!" she announced herself.

She took down her hood to reveal herself as a young woman with chestnut hair and violet eyes. Her hair is tied into twin tails, each held with a blue scrunchy.

The serious girl took down her hood as well to reveal a young woman with chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and brown eyes.

?????: "My name is Xenovia." she simply told me.

I looked over to the umu girl to see that she had already taken down her hood to reveal a rather beautiful young woman with blond-haired in a complex bun while her front side bangs reached all the way down to her shoulders and she had green gems that took the form of her eyes. She placed her hands on her hips as there was a smug look to her face as she looked at me.

?????: "Allow me to introduce myself more properly. I am the decedent of the Emperor of Roses, she whose hands are as fair as they are talented." she said lifting her right hand to her chest while closing her eyes.

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